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Wutai Pagoda Side Quest - FF7 Walkthrough

Wutai Pagoda

This Side Quest begins in the Pagoda building of Wutai. It's the extremely large building at the far end of the town, shown in my screen shot above. Unless you've completed the Yuffie Character Unlock Quest and Wutai Side Quest you won't be able to participate in this quest.

For this quest you're going to have to challenge 5 bosses in total and fight them using just Yuffie. That means you're going to wanna deck Yuffie out in the best Materia you can put on her - below are the Materia I strongly recommend that you use on her.

Enemy Skill Materia with Big Guard
HP Plus
MP Plus
Counter Attack

Accessory: Ribbon

Wutai Pagoda Start


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Boss 1: Gorky

Gorky First Boss

This is a very straight forward boss, for the first few minutes of the fight stay on the defensive until Gorky uses up all of his skill power, then he'll be much easier.

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Boss 2: Shake

Shake Second Boss

The only unique thing this boss does is use Fury on Yuffie - she will take more damage while under this effect and it lasts through battle so you'll need to dispel it afterward. As for the strategy, just DPS him down, keep Yuffie healed.

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Boss 3: Chekhov

Chekhov Third Boss

Equip a Jem Ring if you have one as it'll help you resist his Stare Down ability. He has low HP and doesn't hit very hard but the Stare Down ability can leve you unable to act for a few turns which could get you killed if he times i right.

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Boss 4: Staniv

Staniv Fourth Boss

This boss only attacks you with regular melee attacks - if you have the Counter Attack Materia equipped on Yuffie you'll make really quick work of him. Much like all of the other fights, just beat on him with Yuffie and keep yourself healed - it's not that hard.

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Boss 5: Godo

Godo Wutai Pagoda

The final boss of the dungeon is Godo and depending on when you're doing this quest and how well prepared your Yuffie is he may be insanely difficult or insanely easy. Much like for the previous encounters the Enemy Skill Materia with Big Guard is highly recommended. If you've got other abilities like Aqualung that'll help deal quite a bit of damage to Godo too.

Other than that, Godo will start to heal himself at about 40% with Cure2 each time you attack him. His Cure2 heals for about 1200 a pop so you're going to have to use an ability that hits for more than this with each attack in order to defeat him. The Counter Attack Materia helps a lot here since Godo doesn't heal when you Counter Attack. Aqualung is what I used for this part, it hits for about 15-1600 so it deals about 300 damage to him each time.

Note: Godo is one of three enemies in the game that uses the Trine ability. If you don't already know the Enemy Skill Trine and you want to, equip them on Yuffie prior to the battle.


All Creation ObtainedLeviathan Materia Obtained

Completion of the Wutai Pagoda will reward you with All Creation, Yuffie's most powerful Limit Break and the Leviathan Summon Materia. This is the final Wutai Side Quest, once you're done with this you're done with the town. The only thing that may be left for you is the Da Chao Fire Cavern, but it's not even a dungeon or quest, it's just two treasures.



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