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Tetris Attack Guides and Walkthroughs

This page here will share minor tidbits, tricks, cheats and hints about Tetris Attack. As with many of the other guides on my website these are designed to be very google friendly. If you're stuck, and googling to get done a certain part of the game, that's hopefully how you found this guide!

Tetris Attack Game Genie Codes (USA)

Tetris Attack Pro Action Replay Codes (USA)



Tetris Attack Title Screen


Various Passwords


Non-stop Play: When Yoshi says "Nintendo" hit B, A, L, L buttons.

Play as Defeated Characters: Hold down X, Y buttons and hit Start when Yoshi is moving from one level to next after the battle.

Play as the 4 Boss Characters: At the 2-Player Character Screen, Tap the L and R buttons on both players at the same time.

Super Hard Mode: Select a new 1-Player Vs Mode game, highlight Set Level Screen, hold Up + L, and press A on the controller 1.

Play as Yoshi's Friends: Start with One-Player Vs Mode game, finish the first level, and press X, Y continuesly when the Password Screen appears.


1P Stage Clear

Activate the following at the Password Screen.

Stage 1-2: &HDG!9?4

Stage 1-3: XMJGD%38

Stage 1-4: &7JG9S67

Stage 1-5: T1DG757Q

Stage 1-6: FP%J29CR

Stage 1-7: FP9D29CZ

Stage 1-8: FP9J29C?

Stage 1-9: FPBD29C2

Stage 1-10: FPBJ29C4

Stage 2-1: T7JZN756

Stage 2-2: T?JZ!661

Stage 2-3: &2DZDYB3

Stage 2-4: 2BDZ9BBB

Stage 2-5: NCDZ7C!C

Stage 2-6: FP7J29C&

Stage 2-7: FPFD29CC

Stage 2-8: FPFJ29CM

Stage 2-9: FP1D29C1

Stage 2-10: FP1J29CF

Stage 3-1: N8G8NM2M

Stage 3-2: T4R8!1XP

Stage 3-3: N1G8DM2G

Stage 3-4: NMR8912M

Stage 3-5: T?G87FXX

Stage 4-1: &2X!NGQB

Stage 4-2: XH6!!QFP

Stage 4-3: XNX!D81G

Stage 4-4: N!6!92%X

Stage 4-5: NKX!74KX

Stage 5-1: X8TMNHHL

Stage 5-2: &%YM!LXB

Stage 5-3: TSTMDNLB

Stage 5-4: XTYM9T18

Stage 5-5: N4TM7&95

Stage 6-1: &GT3N!ZR

Stage 6-2: T6Y3!KLG

Stage 6-3: TXT3DPJF

Stage 6-4: &LY39DQB

Stage 6-5: TNT37R7&


Bowser Final Boss: 2%B1NZ?6

Bowser Special Stage: NQG!NGCX

1P Mode Passwords

Activate the following at the Password Screen.

Easy Stage 1

Stage 2: SKDJ79J!

Stage 3: S&DG799!

Stage 4: SXD8797!

Stage 5: SLDF79!!

Stage 6: S4D579D!

Stage 7: S8DL792!

Stage 8: SGRL79N!

Stage 9: SF?L7%C!

Stage 10: S1?L7%J!


Medium Stage

Stage 2: S!DJ7SJ!

Stage 3: STDG7S9!

Stage 4: SND87S7!

Stage 5: SHDF7S!!

Stage 6: S2D57SD!

Stage 7: SQDL7S2!

Stage 8: SJRL7SN!

Stage 9: S1?L75C!

Stage 10: SM?L75J!

Stage 11: SC?L759!


Hard Stage

Stage 2: S&DJ77J!

Stage 3: SXDG779!

Stage 4: SLD8777!

Stage 5: S4DF77!!

Stage 6: S8D577D!

Stage 7: SGDL772!

Stage 8: SFRL77N!

Stage 9: SM?L76C!

Stage 10: SC?L76J!

Stage 11: SB?L769!

Stage 12: SY?L767!


Extra Hard Stage

Stage 2: STDJ7YJ!

Stage 3: SNDG7Y9!

Stage 4: SHD87Y7!

Stage 5: S2DF7Y!!

Stage 6: SQD57YD!

Stage 7: SJDL7Y2!

Stage 8: S1RL7YN!

Stage 9: SC?L7BC!

Stage 10: SB?L7BJ!

Stage 11: SY?L7B9!

Stage 12: S6?L7B7!


Level Select

Activate the following at the Password Screen.

Normal Difficulty

Level 2: S!DJ7SJ!

Level 3: STDG7S9!

Level 4: SND87S7!

Level 5: SHDF7S!!

Level 6: S2D57SD!

Level 7: SQDL7S2!

Level 8: SJRL7SN!

Level 9: S1?L75C!

Level 10: SM?L75J!

Level 11: SC?L759!


Hard Difficulty

Level 2: S&DJ77J!

Level 3: SXDG779!

Level 4: SLD8777!

Level 5: S4DF77!!

Level 6: S8D577D!

Level 7: SGDL772!

Level 8: SFRL77N!

Level 9: SM?L76C!

Level 10: SC?L76J!

Level 11: SM?L75J!

Level 12: SY?L767!


Puzzle Mode

Select 1-Player Mode game and activate the following at the Puzzle mode Password Screen.

1-02: FP5J29CK

1-03: FPSD29C3

1-04: FPSJ29CP

1-05: FP%D29CD

1-06: FP%J29CR

1-07: FP9D29CZ

1-08: FP9J29C?

1-09: FPBD29C2

1-10: FPBJ29C4

2-01: FPYD29CH

2-02: FPYJ29CL

2-03: FP6D29CN

2-04: FP6J29CX

2-05: FP7D29CT

2-06: FP7J29C&

2-07: FPFD29CC

2-08: FPFJ29CM

2-09: FP1D29C1

2-10: FP1J29CF

3-01: FPMD29CJ

3-02: FPMJ29CG

3-03: FPCD29CQ

3-04: FPCJ29C8

3-05: FP8D29C9

3-06: FP8J29C%

3-07: FPQD29CS

3-08: FPQJ29C5

3-09: FPGD29C7

3-10: FPGJ29C6

4-01: FPJD29CY

4-02: FPJJ29CB

4-03: FPLD29M!

4-04: FPLJ29MK

4-05: FPHD29M3

4-06: FPHJ29MP

4-07: FP4D29MD

4-08: FP4J29MR

4-09: FP2D29MZ

4-10: FP2J29M?

5-01: FP&D29M2

5-02: FP&J29M4

5-03: FPTD29MH

5-04: FPTJ29ML

5-05: FPXD29MN

5-06: FPXJ29MX

5-07: FPND29MT

5-08: FPNJ29M&

5-09: FPPD29MC

5-10: FPPJ29MM

6-01: FP3D29M1

6-02: FP3J29MF

6-03: FPKD29MJ

6-04: FPKJ29MG

6-05: FP!D29MQ

6-06: FP!J29M8

6-07: FP?D29M9

6-08: FP?J29M%

6-09: FPZD29MS

6-10: FPZJ29M5


Secret Puzzle Mode

Activate the following at the Secret Puzzle Mode Screen.

1-01: FP5D29J!

1-02: FP5J29JK

1-03: FPSD29J3

1-04: FP%D29JD

1-05: FP%D29JD

1-06: FP%J29JR

1-07: FP9D29JZ

1-08: FP9J29J?

1-09: FPBD29J2

1-10: FPBJ29J4

2-01: FPYD29JH

2-02: FPYJ29JL

2-03: FP6D29JN

2-04: FP6J29JX

2-05: FP7D29JT

2-06: FP7J29J&

2-07: FPFD29JC

2-08: FPFJ29JM

2-09: FP1D29J1

2-10: FP1J29JF

3-01: FPMD29JJ

3-02: FPMJ29JG

3-03: FPCD29JQ

3-04: FPCJ29J8

3-05: FP8D29J9

3-06: FP8J29J%

3-07: FPQD29JS

3-08: FPQJ29J5

3-09: FPGD29J7

3-10: FPGJ29J6

4-01: FPJD29JY

4-02: FPJJ29JB

4-03: FPLD29G!

4-04: FPLJ29GK

4-05: FPHD29G3

4-06: FPHJ29GP

4-07: FP4D29GD

4-08: FP4J29GR

4-09: FP2D29GZ

4-10: FP2J29G?

5-01: FP&D29G2

5-02: FP&J29G4

5-03: FPTD29GH

5-04: FPTJ29GL

5-05: FPXD29GN

5-06: FPXJ29GX

5-07: FPND29GT

5-08: FPNJ29G&

5-09: FPPD29GC

5-10: FPPJ29GM

6-01: FP3D29G1

6-02: FP3J29GF

6-03: FPKD29GJ

6-04: FPKJ29GG

6-05: FP!D29GQ

6-06: FP!J29G8

6-07: FP?D29G9

6-08: FP?J29G%

6-09: FPZD29GS

6-10: FPZJ29G5


Japanese Version


Hard Mode

At the Title Screen, Select 1 player mode and go to Puzzle Password Screen to activate the following :

1-01: NYDJ29JI

1-02: XYDD2SJK

1-03: TYRJ27J3

1-04: T3RD26NP

1-05: AHZJ2B7D

1-06: 2ZZD2MDR

1-07: 4ZUJ2FDZ

1-08: HZUD2GDU

1-09: DTIJ24J2

1-10: R1ID2HN4

2-01: Z1KJ2NNH

2-02: UTKD2AJL

2-03: IH3J2K7N

2-04: KZ3D2PDX

2-05: PYPJ2ZJT

2-06: 7HPD4E7A

2-07: 9ZNJ4MDC

2-08: SYND4JJM

2-09: 5QXJ4QD1

2-10: GSXD4H7F

3-01: QSTJ4N7J

3-02: 81TD4TNG

3-03: C1AJ4INQ

3-04: MTAD4PJ8

3-05: 1H2J4R79

3-06: NS2DH97E

3-07: XQ4JHSDS

3-08: AS4DHY75

3-09: 21HJHCN7

3-10: 4THDHFJ6

4-01: H3LJHGNY

4-02: DTLDH4JB

4-03: R1JJHHXI

4-04: ZSJDHN6K

4-05: UYGJHTG3


4-07: 7TQJLEGD

4-08: 63QDL5XR

4-09: BS8JLY6Z

4-10: 918DLCXU

5-01: EZCJLFR2

5-02: SHCDLG64

5-03: JQMJL2RH

5-04: G1MDLHXL

5-05: 8S1JLT6N

5-06: CY1DLIGX

5-07: C3FJLKXT

5-08: MHFDLP6A

5-09: 1H7JLR6C

5-10: NQ7DN9RM

6-01: X16JNSX1

6-02: TT6DN6GF

6-03: 2SYJNC6J

6-04: 4SYDN16G


6-06: LQBDNQR8

6-07: DH9JN469

6-08: ZS9DNN6E

6-09: UHEJNA6S

6-10: KYEDN3G5


Stage Clear Mode

Select 1-Player Mode and activate the following at the Password Screen.

1-02: TEJGI9D2

1-03: TRJGDE6A

1-04: NUDG9SEM

1-05: TJJG75JL

2-01: NPDZN7ES

2-02: NJJZI69N

2-03: XJDZDY1H

2-04: NJJZ9BCH

2-05: NKJZ7CMF

3-01: TQG8NMJA

3-02: NJR8I194

3-03: X8G8DFSA

3-04: XLG89J5Z

3-05: A9G87G6B

4-01: AN6IN2Z9

4-02: AFXII4ZJ

4-03: TZ6IDHXH

4-04: X76I9NMG

4-05: NTXI7X98

5-01: T4TMNTDB


5-03: AQYMDKQ2

5-04: TZTM936Z

5-05: TATM7PN8

6-01: N5T3NRIK

6-02: T6T3IZLJ

6-03: AGY3R9QD

6-04: TCT3EE72

6-05: ATT36STF

Middle Boss: XDRINQP2

Final Boss: NZB1X7KU


Puzzle Mode

Select 1-Player Mode and activate the following at the Password Screen.

1-02: N9DD299K

1-03: NJRJ29I3

1-04: NNRD2ECP

1-05: NDZJ2EID

1-06: X9ZD2S9R

1-07: XCUJ2S2Z

1-08: XNUD25CU

1-09: XDIJ25I2

1-10: T9ID2794

2-01: TNKJ26CH

2-02: TIKD262L

2-03: AJ3J2YIN

2-04: A23D2B9X

2-05: 27PJ2CCT

2-06: 2JPD2CIA

2-07: 49NJ219C

2-08: 42ND2F9M

2-09: 4IXJ2F21

2-10: HCXD2J2F

3-01: H2TJ2G9J

3-02: L9TD2Q9G

3-03: D9AJ229Q

3-04: D2AD2498

3-05: RC2J2H29

3-06: Z92D2N9E

3-07: U94J2T9S

3-08: U24D2A95

3-09: I9HJ2I97

3-10: I2HD2K96

4-01: K9LJ239Y

4-02: KDLD2PIB

4-03: 3JJJ2DLKI

4-04: P7JD2ZMK

4-05: 7JGJ49K3

4-06: 7IGD4E4P

4-07: B9QJ4YED

4-08: BIQD4B4R

4-09: 9C8J4C4Z

4-10: E78D41MU

5-01: EDCJ4FK2

5-02: SNCD4GM4

5-03: 59MJ4QEH

5-04: JCMD424L

5-05: GC1J4H4N

5-06: Q21D4XEX

5-07: 82FJ4AET

5-08: CCFD4I4A

5-09: MJ7J43KC

5-10: 197D4DEM

6-01: 1D6J4RK1

6-02: N96DH9EF

6-03: XIYJH54J

6-04: A9YDHYEG

6-05: 29BJHCEQ

6-06: 49BDH1E8

6-07: HN9JHGM9

6-08: L99DHQEE

6-09: DDEJH4KS

6-10: Z9EDHNE5




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