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All the TownShip Residents & how to get them

Sprites in TownShip

In Breath of Fire 2 your town of TownShip is able to have a total of 6 different residents living there at one time. You can choose out of 27 different residents which ones you'd like to live in your town. Certain residents are required to occupy certain houses and you can't have more than 1 living in the same house which means each house usually has 5 residents to choose from and you have to settle on one.

Below is a list of all the different residents and which house they can occupy. If you'd like to see what each resident does and where you can find them scroll down further!

House 1 Residents


House 2 Residents


House 3 Residents


House 4 Residents


House 5 Residents


House 6 Residents


There you have it! A complete list of all the residents and what houses they can inhabit within your town. It's important to keep in mind that you can only recruit a new resident if the house they want to live in is vacant. If you've already filled the house all future residents to live there will turn you down and some will even disappear.

That's why it is extremely important you be picky with who you invite to live in Township! It's also important that you remember some of the tenants aren't available forever. As you can see from this guide I missed a few pictures of some of the tenants because they weren't still in the game when I went to write the guide.


House 1 Tenants

These are all of the people you can invite to live in the first house of TownShip. The two best tenants to choose from this list are Hekkeller and Poo. Hekkeller is who I normally choose since he offers you some of the best armor and weapons you can get for the first half of the game.


Watts is an old man found at the traveling carnival that will give you tips for the game in the form of riddles. Even though he gives helpful tips he isn't all that useful - you can google anything that has you confused. Watts will become unavailable for you to recruit and talk to sometime early in the game.


Hekkeller TownShip Resident

Hekkeller is found in HomeTown in the house that is next to Ryu and Bow's house. Hekkeller wishes to open a Weapon shop and you should let him! He sells some of the best weapons you can get for the first half of the game. Hekkeller is pretty much everyone's favorite choice for the first house.


Kay TownShip Resident

Kay can be found on the second floor of the Church in Coursair. If you let her move into TownShip she will give you a Vaccine Shot that grants you immunity to Poison for one lousy battle.


Poo can be found on the second floor of the Pub in Coursair. He will open up a shop in your town that sells a rare item later in the game, Moondrop for 1000Z. Poo will become unavailable for you to recruit and talk to at some point early in the game.


Back TownShip Resident

Back is an old man who can be found at a hidden location in the Guntz armory. He's another useless tenant who increases your main characters Defense by 4 for 1 lousy battle. I think this is his location in the screenshot but I am not entirely sure since it doesn't say his name for some reason. ((May only be available to recruit in GBA version))


House 2 Tenants

These are all of the different people you can invite to live in the second house of TownShip. For this section I personally choose Leminton as I feel he offers the most benefit of the bunch. The second best (if you like the Fishing Minigame) would be MacClean.


MacClean Location

MacClean can be found on the Seashore west of W.Cape where you get the Whale Flute. This is arguably one of the more useful tenants for the second house since he tells you about a secret fishing spot that has a lot of Porgy and Snper. I didn't enjoy the fishing minigame on Ryu so I skipped this tenant. Also it appears this tenant vanishes at some point during the game.


Win TownShip Resident

Win can be found inside the Joker Gang Cave (Mt. Rocko) which is west of Coursair. If you choose Win as a resident for TownShip he will be able to change your town's windows to 1 of 8 different colors! As you could guess - completely pointless to get him.


Leminton TownShip Resident

Leminton can be found in the Capitan Inn. The benefit he brings to TownShip is he wishes to open up an Armory Shop. This is the resident I chose as he offers you some armor that'll fill some character's slots that Hekkeller doesn't. The second best option for House 2 is MacClean and if you don't feel like Fishing... Well - Leminton!


Pechiri is a thief that can be found in Thieves Tomb. This is a pretty useless tenant as he opens up a bank and then steals money from you. You don't have access to Pechiri in Thieves Tomb until much...much later in the game. If you do want this tenant for some reason you'll need to wait for both Grandpa the whale and for the 'line' at Thieves Tomb to disappear once the game progresses far enough.


He's an old man training at the cave leading to the Gate region.


House 3 Tenants

Below you can find each of the tenants that live in the third house of TownShip. The best out of these 5 is Baretta hands down, she's generally the universal choice for best resident of this house. The reason for this is because later in the game she sells some of the best equipment you can possibly get.



Azusa TownShip ResidentMt Fubi TownShip side

Azusa can be found on Mt. Fubi - the easiest way to get here is to Warp to TownShip and enter Mt. Fubi to the east. Azusa can be found in the cave just north of where you enter from if you come from this direction. If you decide to pick Azusa as a tenant he will show you his favorite hunting location (which won't require you to depend on bushes to hunt).



Macotti TownShip Resident

Macotti can be found in the Coursair Pub's bathroom. This tenant offers you no benefit when you invite him to live in TownShip. The only reason you'd recruit him is if you've taken pity on the fact that he lives in a bathroom or because you made the terrible mistake of inviting him.



Baretta TownShip Resident

Baretta can be found at the Windia Armory. She is by far the best tenant you can possibly get for House 3 as she'll sell you some of the best equipment money can buy later in the game. At first her selection of gear totally blows but she gets better with time. This is generally the most agreed upon best tenant choice across the interwebz.



Wooppi TownShip Resident

Wooppi can be found upstairs in the HomeTown church. She is a rather unique resident as she will give you some hints about what you have to do next in the game or what happens next. It's a shame that Baretta is so useful since Wooppi would make a great resident for those who aren't using a walkthrough.



Akky TownShip Resident Map Location

Akky is a cat that can be found in the house west of the sea of trees and W. Cape (where you get the Whale Whistle to ride Grandpa). Throughout the game Akky will have Kittens apparently. The earlier in the game you get her the more kittens she will end up having.


House 4 Tenants

For these four tenants the best one that everyone agrees on is Barose. Although I kind of disagree because of the prerequisites you need to fulfill when learning a spell from him. You'll need to talk to him when your characters have 0 AP and 1 HP to learn the best spell, Missile - it's such a hassle for one upgrade.



Karashinokofu can be found in Guntz in the northern house. If you invite him to TownShip he'll open up an Armory that sells decent stuff at times prior to the end of the game. Overall he isn't too bad. At some point during the game Karashinokofu no long appears in Guntz.



Barose TownShip Resident

You can find Barose inside the Memory of the Great Wise Tree. If you've already passed this part of the game you won't be able to recruit Barose. In order to learn the magic spells he offers you'll need to have low AP and low HP (Missile requires 1 HP and 0 AP).



Garber can be found in FarmTown on the second floor of the Inn. If you invite him to stay in TownShip he will increase your Attack for a single battle after speaking to him. At some point during the game Garber stops appearing at the FarmTown Inn.



Locker TownShip Resident

Locker can be found in Capitan at the house beside the Inn. If you invite him to stay in TownShip he will paint your houses in the town one of four different colors.


House 5 Tenants

For the tenants of house 5 you only have four different people to choose from. This bracket of Tenants has two that are heavily under debate for best tenant choices. Yozo allows you to raise your AP up to 16 points when you invite him to your town but Hanz opens up an extremely good item store.

I personally chose Hanz because I went with the Chef Carpenter earlier in the game. Maybe if I was unable to cook with my town I would have went with Yozo. However with the ability to cook and Hanz you can increase almost all of your character's attributes a lot really early on in the game.



Hanz TownShip Resident

In the house next to yours in HomeTown. It's the same house you recruited Hekkeller from earlier in the game if you did so. Hanz shows up in that house later in the game sometime shortly after getting Spar and having TownShip expanded. As aforementioned he opens up an item shop in your town that sells Charms which you can use on your characters. He also sells Cond. Up and Medicate, two items for cooking.



Yozo TownShip Resident

Yozo can be found in Windia Castle. Go north through the room with water in it to find the room that has Yozo. You'll need to wait until much later in the game to recruit him since access to the castle at Windia will be restricted until you reach the point in the game where you need to revisit it. If you invite Yozo to your town he will open up a Dojo which will increase the AP of anyone who speaks to him by up to 16 points.

This is argued to be the best choice for this house since Katt can greatly benefit from the increased AP.



El TownShip Resident

El can be found in Tunlan Castle guarding the Treasure Room. If you bring El to TownShip he will offer to guard the town for you. You'll also get a unique story scene by inviting El to join your town if you speak to him while Sten is in the lead.



Martin TownShip Resident

Martin can be found in the Tunlan Inn. If you invite Martin to stay in TownShip he will offer you a loan scenario where you give him some coin and he gives more back. This is to the best of my knowledge anyway, I have never invited him to my town!


House 6 Tenants

There are a total of four different tenants you can recruit for house 6. Arguably the most agreed upon best for this house is Daiye. He will open up a Fish store in your town which is only really useful if you got the first Carpenter who can cook. Daiye will sell you a lot of different types of fish which are used in cooking and can increase your maximum attributes.



Surfy TownShip Resident

Surfy can be found in a house northeast of Tagwoods. If you invite her to stay in TownShip she will open up a Safekeeping store (a bank) for you. Not really all that useful since you can find a bank in pretty much any town that you visit so I would say skip this one.



Daiye TownShip Resident

Daiye can be found in the Windia Inn. If you invite him to stay in TownShip he will open up a fish store that sells Srdine (Sardine), Mckrl (Mackerel), Bait, Unagi, Tuna and Minnow. Daiye sells pretty much every single fish you'll need in the game so you'll never need to fish.



Salvador TownShip Resident

Salvador can be found inside the Simafort Jail Cell. If you invite him to stay in TownShip he will decorate your town with statues of your controllable characters. You will have to let the character stay with him for awhile as he carves a statue of them - then it'll appear in TownShip! Kind of cool if you're into cosmetics for your town.



Sumner TownShip Resident

Sumner can be found in Tunlan - go up three flights of stairs and take the room on the right; he's inside there. If you invite Sumner to TownShip he will allow you to test the game's Music/Sounds. Not really all that great. If you're that interested in listening to the game's soundtrack just google an OST for it.





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