Boxing Legends of the Ring Pro Action Replay Codes (USA)
If you are unfamiliar with Game Genie or Pro Action Replay (PAR) cheats and how to use them - fear not! Both of these things are usually found under the Cheat tab if you're playing on an Emulator which is located on the Toolbar at the top of the Emulator's window. If you're playing with an actual physical console you'll need to purchase a physical Game Genie or Pro Action Replay and use the codes that way.
Those of you out there who are playing on an SNES Emulator that need help figuring out how to use the codes on this page should visit my how to setup Game Genie and PAR codes for SNES guide. That guide will go into a lot of detail about how to setup and use the codes you find on these pages and some trouble shooting tips for those who need them.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Why not try my Game Genie codes for Boxing Legends of the Ring and see if the code you're looking for is there instead!
Rounds are 1 minute long: 80BE0301
Rounds are 2 minutes long: 80BE0302
Rounds are 4 min long: 80BE0304
Rounds are 5 min long: 80BE0305
Unlimited time per round: 009FCFAD
Only way to end a fight is through knockout with this code.
Start on Round 5: 80BA1FEE
Start on Round 12: 80BA1FCE
Both Fighters start with 2 Super Punches: 80BA3802
Both Fighters start with 3 Super Punches: 80BA3803
Unlimited Super Punches for Player 1: 818F05AD
Unlimited Super Punches for Player 2: 81864BAD
If there is no Player 2 than the Computer will get unlimited Super Punches instead.
Create a Stronger Left Jab: 8BFEF480
Create a Stronger Left Body Hook: 8BFEF680
Create a Stronger Left Hook Head: 8BFEF880
Create a Stronger Left Uppercut: 8BFEFA80
Create a Stronger Right Cross to Body: 8BFEFC80
Create a Stronger Right Cross to Head: 8BFEFE80
Create a Stronger Right Uppercut: 8BFF0080
Maxed Left Jab: 7E1CF570
Maxed Left Body Hook: 7E1CF770
Maxed Left Hook Head: 7E1CF970
Maxed Left Uppercut: 7E1CFB70
Maxed Right Cross to Body: 7E1CFD70
Maxed Right Cross to Head: 7E1CFF70
Maxed Right Uppercut: 7E1D0170
Unlimited Strength Beads:
Unlimited Creation Points in Career: 7E1C9D1E
Unlimited Power Punches: 7E061003
Unlimited Stamina: 7E05AF0F
Unlimited Health: 7E0A740F
Max Power: 7E1CED50
Max Stamina: 7E1CEF50
Max Chin: 7E1CF150