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Rogue Galaxy Quarry: The Winged Traveler

The Winged Traveler LocationThe Winged Traveler

The closest save teleporter to take in order to reach The Winged Traveler is Johannesburg on Rosa. The Winged Traveler is in the center of town by the well, as seen in my screenshot. This quarry is unlike the rest in the sense that you need to be using a specific character (Jupis) in order to summon him. Easy fight, nothing else I can really say about this bird.

Hoho Bird Feather

In order to summon this bird you need a Hoho Bird Feather and you also need Jupis in your party/to use the bird feather with him. It's a bit of a pain in the ass. If you're a lower level and you haven't been using Jupis I recommend you do his Revelation Flow before battle.




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