Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist of the Roses Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains all of the Gameshark cheat codes I have for Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist of the Roses (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend heading over to my Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist of the Roses CodeBreaker Codes (NTSC-U) and searching for your code there instead!
(Player 1) Unlimited LP: 14101773 B7B4035E
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 1) 0 LP: CEAD87C0 BCA99B83
Gameshark v1 & Action Replay v1
(Player 1) 1 LP: CEAD87C0 BCA99B84
Gameshark v1 & Action Replay v1
(Player 1) 9999 LP: CEAD87C0 BCA9C292
Gameshark v1 & Action Replay v1
(Player 1) Always Low Summon Power: 04101768 36B463CC
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 1) Constant Summon Ability: 04101769 36B443EC
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 1) Max Summon Power: 0490176A B6B463CC
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 2) Unlimited LP: 14101673 B73411DE
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 2) 0 LP: CEAD7B90 BCA99B83
Gameshark v1 & Action Replay v1
(Player 2) 1 LP: CEAD7B90 BCA99B84
Gameshark v1 & Action Replay v1
(Player 2) 9999 LP: CEAD7B90 BCA9C292
Gameshark v1 & Action Replay v1
(Player 2) Always Low Summon Power: 04101468 3634714C
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 2) Constant Summon Ability: 04101469 3634516C
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 2) Max Summon Power: 0490146A B634714C
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
(Player 1) Have Destiny Draw
Press Circle & R2
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
0400BF77 B5BC1C44
04101768 36B443EC
Have All Rituals
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
0490316D 34B4739C
04D0136D 3434732C
04D0126D 34B4738C
04D0136D 34B473BC
0490106D 3434731C
0490116D 343473AC
0490136D 34B4730C
04D0326D 3434617C
04D0336D 343461DC
04D0306D 34B4616C
04D0316D 34B461CC
0490306D 343461FC
0490326D 34B4615C
0490336D 34B461EC
04D0106D 3434614C
04D0116D 3434617C
04D0106D 34B461DC
0490126D 3434616C
0490136D 343461CC
0490126D 34B461FC
0490116D 34B4615C
04D0306D 343463EC
04D0326D 34B4634C
04D0336D 34B4637C
Have All Traps (Full Range)
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
0490306D 3434719C
0490326D 34B4712C
0490336D 34B4718C
04D0126D 343471BC
04D0116D 3434711C
04D0106D 34B471AC
0490126D 3434710C
0490136D 3434713C
0490126D 34B4719C
0490116D 34B4712C
04D0306D 3434738C
04D0316D 343473BC
04D0336D 34B4731C
0490326D 343473AC
0490316D 3434730C
0490306D 34B4733C
Have All Traps (Limited Range)
Gameshark v3-4 & Xploder v4
0490336D 343463BC
0490306D 34B4631C
0490316D 34B463AC
04D0136D 3434630C
04D0126D 34B4633C
04D0136D 34B4639C
0490106D 3434632C
0490116D 3434638C
0490106D 34B463BC
04D0326D 3434711C
04D0336D 343471AC
04D0306D 34B4710C
04D0316D 34B4713C
99 Rounds
Press R1 + R2
0EACA538 BCA99082