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Yakuza 2 CodeBreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Yakuza 2 (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes.


Mini-Game Codes


Unlimited Money: 101A3580 0000FFFF

Unlimited Health: 101A3A44 000004B0

Unlimited Experience: 20454DF4 00000000

Max Health: 101A3A46 000004B0

Max Unlimited Health: 201A3A44 04B004B0

Max Unlimited Heat: 201A3A7C 50000000

Faster Exp Earned: 101A3A4C 0000FFFF

Max Experience: 201A3A4C 05F5E0FF

Max Damage Dealt: 101A398E 0000270F



Skip FMV
Player 1 Press Select

20152F60 8C620000
D1F6399C 0000FFFE
20152F60 24020001


Max Money
Player 1 Press L3 + R3

D1F6399C 0000FFF9
201A3580 05F5E0FF


Fast Max Soul

D01A3A50 003003E8
201A3A50 000184AC


Fast Max Technique

D01A3A54 003003E8
201A3A54 000184AC


Fast Max Body

D01A3A58 003003E8
201A3A58 000184AC


Have All Power Up Skills

401A3A5C 00030001
FFFFFFFF 00000000


Have All Status Lv to MAX

201A3A50 000203A0
201A3A54 000203A0
201A3A58 000203A0


One Hit Kill Enabled
Player 1 Press R3 + Up

D1F6399C 0000FFEB
206950BC 24020000


One Hit Kill Disabled
Player 1 Press R3 + Down

D1F6399C 0000FFBB
206950BC 00621023


Unlimited Weapon Usage Enabled
Player 1 Press R3 + L1

D1F6399C 0000FBFB
20481C04 00000000


Unlimited Weapon Usage Disabled
Player 1 Press R3 + L2

D1F6399C 0000FEFB
20481C04 A2A20718


Food Completed

401A35A0 00050001
FFFFFFFF 00000000


Drink Completed



Heat Actions Complete

401A4F84 00060001
FFFFFFFF 00000000


Have All Locker Cans Open

401A3F88 00030001
FFFFFFFF 00000000
001A3F94 000000FF


Have All Lockers Open

401A3F98 00030001
FFFFFFFF 00000000
001A3FA4 000000FF