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Raiden III CodeBreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains all of the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Raiden III (NTSC-U). If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes.


Raiden III CodeBreaker Mastercode

B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
BD868CD5 4AA82B0F
681C9A44 5E9F76E8
AECF1313 14CF3867


Unlimited Bombs: EB6A7CAA 16C052DF
Both Players.

Unlimited Lives: 7B34FBF2 087C7ABB
Both Players.

God Mode: 4DFDA159 F1190A6E
Both Players.


Faster Score Gain: A492D257 D54BD2D6
Player 1.

Max Score: A2617824 53619479
Player 1.

Unlimited Lives: 3C3AA5DC 03E51853
Player 1.

Unlimited Bombs: 4300F1A2 3A5267A3
Player 1.


Faster Score Gain: F41BB46D 23632B9C
Player 2.

Max Score: 225D93E3 E0712B0E
Player 2.

Unlimited Lives: B8B24B7A 1D99046D
Player 2.

Unlimited Bombs: 4B63825F E402EBCD
Player 2.