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Courage Skill Set for Hero

Courage is the most important Skill Set for the Hero. You'll be using Zoom from the moment you get it until you beat the game, Holy Protection is another one of the most commonly used spells outside of battles. Zap and Kazap are fantastic AoE attacks for combat and Omniheal is a group heal which heals everyone to full HP. I'm leaving out a bunch but you should get the point by now. Max out Courage as quickly as possible.


8 Points: Zoom - Allows you to teleport to any town and some of the dungeons that you've previously visited.

16 Points: Tingle - Cures Sleep and Paralysis on your whole party.

28 Points: Holy Protection - You won't encounter any enemies that are lower level than the Hero. Same effect as Holy Water.

40 Points: Fizzle - Stops the enemies from casting spells for 7 - 10 turns.

48 Points: Zap - Hits all enemies with lightning. Deals 40 - 55 base damage and up to 90 damage in total.

56 Points: Spells cost 75% Mana

70 Points: Kamikazee - The caster blows himself up and defeats most weaker enemies. Doesn't work on all enemies and the enemies it does defeat don't give EXP. Worthless.

82 Points: Omniheal - Fully restores the HP of your entire party.

90 Points: Spells cost 50% Mana

100 Points: Kazap - Hits all enemies with lightning. Deals 100 - 140 base damage and up to 220 damage in total.

100 Points: Gigaslash - Deals 160 - 190 base damage and up to a total of 240 damage. Your character's level determines how much damage this ability deals.

100 Points into Sword & Courage: Gigagash - Replaces the Gigaslash ability. Deals 220 - 285 damage and up to a total of 340. Your character's level determines how much damage this ability deals.








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