Ungaga Dark Cloud Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)
This page contains the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Ungaga, a character in Dark Cloud. If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.
Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend heading over to my Dark Cloud Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) and search for your code there instead!
Max HP: 1B939945 000000FF
Unlimited HP: 1B9F9945 000000FF
Max Water: 2BE38F1F 42C80000
Unlimited Water: 2B6B8F25 42C80000
Weapon 1 Codes
Weapon +99: 1B3398D4 00000063
Max Attack: 1B3598D4 00000063
Max Endurance: 1B3798D4 00000063
Max Speed: 1B3998D5 00000063
Max Magical Power: 1B3B98D5 00000063
Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B3D98D5 00000063
Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2BB38F1A 42C60000
Unlimited Absorption: 1B4598D5 00000063
All Weapon Stats Maxed
0B33DE00 00000063
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B5598D5 00006363
Weapon 2 Codes
Weapon +99: 1B2B98D5 00000063
Max Attack: 1B2D98D5 00000063
Max Endurance: 1B2F98D5 00000063
Max Speed: 1B2F98D5 00000063
Max Magical Power: 1B3398D5 00000063
Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B3598D5 00000063
Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2BCB8F1B 42C60000
Unlimited Absorption: 1B3D98D6 00000063
All Weapon Stats Maxed
0B3BDE07 00000063
4B95CD43 C5A5AE47
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B4D98D6 00006363
Weapon 3 Codes
Weapon +99: 1B2398D6 00000063
Max Attack: 1B2598D6 00000063
Max Endurance: 1B2798D6 00000063
Max Speed: 1B2998D6 00000063
Max Magical Power: 1B2B98D6 00000063
Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B2D98D6 00000063
Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2BC38F1B 42C60000
Unlimited Absorption: 1B3598D6 00000063
All Weapon Stats Maxed
0B23DE07 00000063
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B4598D7 00006363
Weapon 4 Codes
Weapon +99: 1B1B98D7 00000063
Max Attack: 1B1D98D7 00000063
Max Endurance: 1B1F98D7 00000063
Max Speed: 1B2198D7 00000063
Max Magical Power: 1B2398D7 00000063
Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B2598D7 00000063
Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2BDB8F14 42C60000
Unlimited Absorption: 1B2D98D7 00000063
All Weapon Stats Maxed
0B2BDE06 00000063
4BE5CD44 C5D5AE40
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B3D98C8 00006363
Weapon 5 Codes
Weapon +99: 1B1398C8 00000063
Max Attack: 1B1598C8 00000063
Max Endurance: 1B1798C8 00000063
Max Speed: 1B1998C8 00000063
Max Magical Power: 1B1B98C8 00000063
Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B1D98C8 00000063
Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2BD38F15 42C60000
Unlimited Absorption: 1B2598C8 00000063
All Weapon Stats Maxed
0B13DE05 00000063
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B3598C8 00006363
Note: I have some guides for Dark Cloud on my website too, follow the link to check them out!