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Toan Dark Cloud Codebreaker Codes (NTSC-U)

This page contains the CodeBreaker cheat codes I have for Toan, a character in Dark Cloud. If you're playing with the PCSX2 Emulator and you'd like to use the codes on this page I recommend heading over to my How To Use Cheat Codes on PCSX2 Guide. This will explain how to setup and use the codes on this page with that emulator.

Alternatively if you're playing on a physical console you'll need to own a CodeBreaker/GameShark disc in order to use these codes. If you don't see the code you want on this page I recommend heading over to my Dark Cloud Gameshark Codes (NTSC-U) and search for your code there instead!


Max HP: 1B8B9945 000000FF

Unlimited HP: 1B979945 000000FF

Max Water: 2B838F25 42C80000

Unlimited Water: 2B7B8F25 42C80000

Max Defense: 1BCD98F8 00000063



Weapon 1 Codes

Weapon +99: 1B9398FA 00000063

Max Attack: 1B9598FA 00000063

Max Endurance: 1B9798FA 00000063

Max Speed: 1B9998FA 00000063

Max Magical Power: 1B9B98FA 00000063

Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B9D98FA 00000063

Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2B538F27 42C60000

Unlimited Absorption: 1BA598FA 00000063


All Weapon Stats Maxed

0B93DEEB 00000063
4B7DCD17 C54DAE13
69148050 8A9DB21C
1BB598FA 00006363




Weapon 2 Codes

Weapon +99: 1B8B98FB 00000063

Max Attack: 1B8D98FB 00000063

Max Endurance: 1B8F98FB 00000063

Max Speed: 1B9198FB 00000063

Max Magical Power: 1B9398FB 00000063

Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B9598FB 00000063

Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2B6B8F20 42C60000

Unlimited Absorption: 1B9D98FB 00000063


All Weapon Stats Maxed

0B9BDEEA 00000063
4B75CD18 C545AE1C
69148050 8A9DB21C
1BAD98FB 00006363



Weapon 3 Codes

Weapon +99: 1B8398FC 00000063

Max Attack: 1B8598FC 00000063

Max Endurance: 1B8798FC 00000063

Max Speed: 1B8998FC 00000063

Max Magical Power: 1B8B98FC 00000063

Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B8D98FC 00000063

Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2B638F21 42C60000

Unlimited Absorption: 1B9598FC 00000063


All Weapon Stats Maxed

0B83DEE9 00000063
69148050 8A9DB21C
1BA598FC 00006363




Weapon 4 Codes

Weapon +99: 1B7B98FD 00000063

Max Attack: 1B7D98FD 00000063

Max Endurance: 1B7F98FD 00000063

Max Speed: 1B8198FD 00000063

Max Magical Power: 1B8398FD 00000063

Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B8598FD 00000063

Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2B7B8F22 42C60000

Unlimited Absorption: 1B8D98FD 00000063


All Weapon Stats Maxed

0B8BDEE8 00000063
4B45CD1A C575AE1E
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B9D98FD 00006363




Weapon 5 Codes

Weapon +99: 1B7398FE 00000063

Max Attack: 1B7598FE 00000063

Max Endurance: 1B7798FE 00000063

Max Speed: 1B7998FE 00000063

Max Magical Power: 1B7B98FE 00000063

Max Weapon Hit Points: 1B7D98FE 00000063

Unlimited Weapon Hit Points: 2B738F23 42C60000

Unlimited Absorption: 1B8598FE 00000063


All Weapon Stats Maxed

0B73DEEF 00000063
69148050 8A9DB21C
1B9598FE 00006363




Note: I have some guides for Dark Cloud on my website too, follow the link to check them out!