Shining Force 3 - Item Modifier Action Replay Codes (USA)
This page contains the Action Replay Codes that I have available for Shining Force 3, a game for Sega Saturn. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easy by accessing a tab on the toolbar; those of you playing on a physical Sega Saturn will have to use an actual Action Replay device instead.
If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Shining Force 3 Guides and Walkthroughs index and choose a different section.
Note: The way the codes on this page work are pretty straight forward; on all of the Character Code pages for Shining Force 3 you'll find a list of 4 different Item Modifier Codes which appear like the one below. In place of the ?? at the end of each code you'll want to input the correct combination for the item you want from the list below.
Item 1 Modifier: 36032ED1 00??
00 - Nothing
01 - Bronze Knife
02 - Steel Knife
03 - Hunter Knife
04 - Steel Sword
05 - Broad Sword
06 - Bastard Sword
07 - Great Sword
08 - Epee
09 - Foil
0A - Rapier
0B - Iron Blade
0C - Battle Blade
0D - Steel Blade
0E - Botty Blade
0F - Iron Ninjato
10 - Stl Ninjato
11 - Bronze Lance
12 - Iron Lance
13 - Heavy Lance
14 - Steel Lance
15 - Spear
16 - Power Spear
17 - Battle Spear
18 - Halberd
19 - Hvy Halberd
1A - Poleaxe
1B - Small Axe
1C - Power Axe
1D - Battle Axe
1E - Great Axe
1F - Hand Axe
20 - Irn Hand Axe
21 - Stl Hand Axe
22 - Mace
23 - Flail
24 - Maul
25 - Bronze Claw
26 - Iron Claw
27 - Steel Claw
28 - Battle Claw
29 - Cloth Glove
2A - Iron Glove
2B - Steel Glove
2C - Cestus
2D - Iron Cestus
2E - Steel Cestus
2F - Wooden Rod
30 - Bronze Rod
31 - Talisman Rod
32 - Small Wand
33 - Magic Wand
34 - Angel Wand
35 - Power Ankh
36 - Saint Ankh
37 - Misty Ankh
38 - Small Bow
39 - Short Bow
3A - Faerie Bow
3B - King's Bow
3C - Light X-Bow
3D - Heavy X-Bow
3E - Arbalest
3F - Low Bow
40 - Hvy Long Bow
41 - Elven Bow
42 - Scimitar
43 - Gladius
44 - Power Ring
45 - Protect Ring
46 - Magic Ring
47 - Gale Ring
48 - Attack Ring
49 - Lock Up
4A - Silver Ring
4B - Life Ring
4C - Nimble Ring
4D - White Ring
4E - Black Ring
4F - Ibiru Ring
50 - Artemis Pin
51 - Apollo Pin
52 - Iron Bracer
53 - Steel Bracer
54 - Medical Herb
55 - Healing Drop
56 - Potion
57 - Healing Rain
58 - Goddess Tear
59 - Tope Light
5A - Antidote Herb
5B - Fairy Powder
5C - Angel's Wing
5D - Power Wink
5E - Armor Milk
5F - Quick Chickn
60 - Nimble Onion
61 - Happy Cookie
62 - Health Bread
63 - Brain Food
64 - Brave Apple
65 - Lrg Mithril
66 - Sml Mithril
67 - Dark Matter
68 - Iron Circlet
69 - Steel Tiara
6A - Swift Boots
6B - Shadow Bowl
6C - Dark Bowl
6D - Loincloth
6E - Power Undies
6F - Mithril Dirk
70 - Butter Knife
71 - Killer Knife
72 - Sneaky Knife
73 - Joker Knife
74 - Countersword
75 - Shiva Sword
76 - Leviathan
77 - Dark Sword
78 - Phoenix Sword
79 - Justice Sword
7A - Magic Rapier
7B - Mist Rapier
7C - Shiny Rapier
7D - Dark Rapier
7E - Luste Blade
7F - Rune Blade
80 - Photon Blade
81 - Venom Blade
82 - Force blade
83 - Nelson Lance
84 - Holy Lance
85 - Dargon Lance
86 - Ultra Lance
87 - Silver Spear
88 - Counter Spear
89 - Rune Spear
8A - Beast Spear
8B - Comet Spear
8C - Holy Halberd
8D - Star Halberd
8E - Ark Halberd
8F - Dark Halberd
90 - Heat Axe
91 - Gigantic Axe
92 - Sharp Axe
93 - Gaia Axe
94 - Sorrow Axe
95 - Accurate Axe
96 - Super Axe
97 - Arrow Axe
98 - Ultra Axe
99 - Saint's Mace
9A - Revence Mace
9B - Power Hammer
9C - Macho Maul
9D - Mithril Claw
9E - Tiger Claw
9F - Berserk
A0 - Pokey Claw
A1 - Spiked Glove
A2 - Muscle Glove
A3 - Spark Glove
A4 - Magna Glove
A5 - Pretty Glove
A6 - Giant Cestus
A7 - Mist Cestus
A8 - Wire Cestus
A9 - Holy Cestus
AA - Torture Rod
AB - Sleepy Rod
AC - Soul Rod
AD - Tiamat Rod
AE - Demon Rod
AF - Jester Wand
B0 - Jewel Wand
B1 - Witch Wand
B2 - Spark Wand
B3 - Wendigo Wand
B4 - Tornado Ankh
B5 - Silence Ankh
B6 - Blessed Ankh
B7 - Holy Ankh
B8 - Moon Bow
B9 - Dragon Bow
BA - Breaker Bow
BB - Kantar's Bow
BC - Caylon's Bow
BD - Hunder X-Bow
BE - Flame X-Bow
BF - Sonic X-Bow
C0 - Needle X-Bow
C1 - Magnum Bow
C2 - Storm Bow
C3 - Meteor Bow
C4 - Pulsar Bow
C5 - Wind Cutter
C6 - Bone Eater
C7 - Rumbling Sea
C8 - Kusanagi
C9 - Muramasa
CA - Cross Star
CB - Fox Shuriken
CC - Shaken
CD - Deadly Star
CE - Octagon Star
CF - Wind Star
D0 - Metal Wing
D1 - Silver Wing
D2 - Battle Wing
D3 - Silk Wing
D4 - Sonic Wing
D5 - Cosmic Wing
D6 - Zero Wing
D7 - Stealth Wing
D8 - Light Anchor
D9 - Heavy Anchor
DA - Power Anchor
DB - Spin Anchor
DC - Crash Anchor
DD - Grav Anchor
DE - Cut Flower
DF - Chicken Feed
E0 - Volcano Wand
E1 - Large Egg
E2 - Ship's Key
E3 - Statue Gem
E4 - Mitra Ankh
E5 - Elbesem Orb
E6 - Divine Cane
E7 - Negate Cane
E8 - Spark Blade
E9 - Hill Rn Map
EA - Blue Rn Map
EB - Middle Rn Map
EC - Desert Rn Map
ED - Tower Rn Map
EE - Kingdom Rn Map
EF - Elbesem Orb
F0-FD - Not Set
FE - Pen Beak
FF - Take Off