Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter - Player 1 Action Replay Codes (Japan)
This page contains the Action Replay Codes that I have available for Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter, a game for Sega Saturn. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easy by accessing a tab on the toolbar; those of you playing on a physical Sega Saturn will have to use an actual Action Replay device instead.
If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter Guides and Walkthroughs index and choose a different section.
Note: Follow these steps to Choose Mech-Gouki as both 1st and 2nd Character (may work for other characters too?). #1 Choose Gouki as the first character and the game will automatically select him as the 2nd. #2 At the Versus Screen hold all 3 punch buttons so that Mech Gouki is the lead character. Now you will have two Mech-Goukis. Do not perform lead character switch again or the game will crash.
Cyclops Is 1st Character: 160F3852 0002
Captain America Is 1st Character: 160F3852 0004
Hulk Is 1st Character: 160F3852 0006
Wolverine Is 1st Character: 160F3852 0008
Blackheart is 1st Character: 160F3852 0010
Ryu is 1st Character: 160F3852 0012
Ken is 1st Character: 160F3852 0014
Chun Li is 1st Character: 160F3852 0016
Dhalsim is 1st Character: 160F3852 0018
Zangief is 1st Character: 160F3852 001A
Sakura is 1st Character: 160F3852 0020
Norimaro is 1st Character: 160F3852 0022
Dan is 1st Character: 160F3852 0024
Mech-Gouki is 1st Character: 160F3852 0026
Mega Zangief is 1st Character: 160F3852 0028
Dark Sakura is 1st Character: 160F3852 002A
Mephisto is 1st Character: 160F3852 0030
Silver Spiderman is 1st Character: 160F3852 0032
Cyclops Is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0002
Captain America Is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0004
Hulk Is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0006
Wolverine Is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0008
Blackheart is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0010
Ryu is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0012
Ken is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0014
Chun Li is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0016
Dhalsim is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0018
Zangief is 2nd Character: 360F4053 001A
Sakura is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0020
Norimaro is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0022
Dan is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0024
Mech-Gouki is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0026
Mega Zangief is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0028
Dark Sakura is 2nd Character: 360F4053 002A
Mephisto is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0030
Silver Spiderman is 2nd Character: 360F4053 0032