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Wipeout Pure Action Replay (Europe)

This page contains all of the available Action Replay codes that I have for Wipeout Pure (Europe), a game for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). If the codes on this page aren't working for you it may be because you have a different region or version, head back to my Wipeout Pure Guides & Walkthroughs Index and choose a different section.

If you're using the PPSSPP Emulator and trying to figure out how to get these codes to work you're in luck! Check out my How to Use PSP Codes on the PPSSPP Emulator Guide for more information about exactly how to get these codes working in your game.



Unlimited Health

0xffffffff 0x00285E94
0x00000084 0x7f800000


Ultimate Flash (Always Boost)

0xffffffff 0x00285E94
0x00001110 0x00000001


Unlimited Ammo

0xffffffff 0x00285E94
0x00001188 0x00000001


Unlimited Auto Pilot Time

0xffffffff 0x00285E94
0x0000110C 0x000040A0


Always Auto Pilot Enabled

0xffffffff 0x00285E94
0x00001104 0x00000001
0x0000110C 0x40A00000


Unlimited Shield Time

0xffffffff 0x00285E94
0x0000112C 0x40A00000


Unlimited Character Call Print

0x00362C30 0x00000000
0x00362C34 0x00000000
0x00362C38 0x00000000
0x00362C3C 0x00000000
0x00362C40 0x00000000
0x00362C44 0x00000000
0x00362C48 0x00000000
0x00362C4C 0x00000000
0x00362C50 0x00000000









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