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Angry Demon Questions - Persona 2: Innocent Sin Guides

This page is designed to be an information dump about the Contact system in Persona 2: Innocent Sin. I had a small amount of fun with this system but ended up being very interested in the specifics of how it worked. Since there is so little information online about this system and my job as a guide writer is to break down different aspects of games and explain them... I seen a perfect opportunity with this game.

So, the first thing I would like to talk about on these pages is my experience with different types of questions. You may already know this part but there are some questions which are only asked by certain types of monsters and some questions which are only directed at certain characters. Different emotions typically have different questions/responses as well.

For example, the Angry emotion has many different questions that the monster can ask you and often times those questions end up being lose/lose situations. Where no matter what you answer there's always a chance that the monster is going to become more irate with you. This brings me to my next point and that's there are some questions that have set answers and set outcomes and other questions which are totally RNG.

Questions with set in stone answers will always give you the same outcome when you answer them a certain way. Other questions involve a lot of RNG and how the monster reacts to one of your answers varies and is left to chance. The difference between these two types of questions is partly what I made this guide to document. I also wanted to document which emotions the questions with set in stone answers raised.

Like I said at the top of this guide, I designed it to mostly be an information dump. I took screenshots of almost every question I got from demons in this game and I sorted them based on arbitrary categories that I think they belong in. Below each screenshot you'll find information about this question that I learned through my days of experimentation and trial/error. Hopefully this information helps some of you guys out there!


Demon Questions & Answers

- Angry Questions
- Eikichi Questions
- Ginko Questions
- Maya Questions
- Tatsuya Questions
- 2nd Page of General Questions



Chest Burns Question

This is one of those questions where it doesn't seem to matter what answer you give to the demon, the outcome is always RNG. I typically always pick either the first or third options and they always result in making the monster more Angry. Sometimes (maybe 1 in 4 times) picking It's heartburn will raise the Happy or Eager emotion instead of Angry. Apparently some monsters have a sense of humor but others don't.

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Im Getting Angry Say Something

Sometimes you will get asked this question when you raise the Angry emotion on a monster. From my experience there is no right answer to this question. If you choose I am sorry it will sometimes placate the monster and raise their Happy emotion but most of the time he will just become more angry. Saying nothing at all typically always results in an angry response too.

Confronting the monster by saying "Something." will sometimes result in Scared being increased. However it has the same low "success rate" as I'm Sorry and will often result in the monster becoming more angry. All in all there are no right answers for this question when you're prompted.

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What Makes Grown Ups Special

I think this is another one of those questions that's left to RNG. When presented with this question I have tried every single option multiple times and they always result in raising either the Angry emotion or Happy/Eager. It depends on whether or not the demon accepts our answer or not - that's it.

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What Happens If I melt

Slimes are the only enemies I have ever seen ask this question and I always pick the answer What'll happen? because that ends the conversation and raises Scared. In my experience the first two answers to this question (I know and I don't know) will have an RNG chance to make the monster Angry or Eager. Making the monster Angry I always try to avoid because then they keep asking more and more questions which increase their anger.

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What Part of You Tastes Best

This question is a mix between set in stone answers and RNG in my experience. Answering with "My arms, My legs or My brain" will typically always result in a negative response from the monster and more questions. Whenever I select I'm not delicious! though it ends the conversation on the spot and raises Happy typically.

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Are You Ready To Be Eaten

Much like the question above, sometimes demons will ask you if you're ready to be eaten. From my experience there is no right answer to this question and no matter what there is a chance the monster will become Angry by your response and will continue interrogating you with more questions.

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Forgot Your Childhood

When you start to anger a monster sometimes they'll accuse you of being an adult and forgetting your childhood. This question is sometimes combined with the 'What makes grown ups special?' question as well. From my various experiments I find that the best answer is I'm still a kid.

Almost all of the time I answer I'm still a kid it will raise their Eager emotion and end their line of questioning and let me make another action. Usually this is exactly what I want too since being asked questions by a monster is a great way to get an outcome you don't want.

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Dont you have anything to say

In my experience this is one of those RNG questions where no matter what you answer you'll always have a chance of getting a negative response. Although I can say that #1 probably will always get you a negative response, if you want to end the conversation either apologize or say Not really!

When you answer apologetically or say Not really! you'll at least have a chance of raising Eager/Happy and ending the conversation.

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Does God Love Humans Now

I rarely get asked this question and in my experience all of the answers have some RNG to them - maybe some more than others. I think the correct answer is either I do. or I'll work to earn it. Answering There is no God will almost always make the demons upset because they believe very strongly in God.

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You Will Lose Your Home

This question is another one of the RNG questions in my experience. I've tried every answer and there's always a chance the monster rejects your answer and gets upset. During my time playing this game I had some luck by answering, We'll work hard to prevent it. - that seemed to trigger a negative response the least often... but I think it was just luck on my part.

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Angry Generic Response

When you start to anger an enemy sometimes you will get questions like this. Apologizing in my experience always has a low success chance, it more often than not just makes the monster even more angry with you. I typically answer this question with Being angry isn't good for you. This (sometimes) results in the monster apologizing and backing down.

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Angry Nothing But Fodder

From my experience with this question it doesn't matter how you answer because the outcome is always RNG. The monster will either accept your answer and it will end their dialogue or it will reject your answer which will typically raise the Angry emotion and lead to more dialogue.

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What Kind of End Do You Want

This question I think comes down entirely to RNG but I seem to have the best luck by choosing I don't want to die. When I choose this answer the monsters seem to accept my answer and end dialogue which is typically the outcome I am looking for anyway.

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Forgot Your Childhood

This question has a set in stone answer in my experience. Whenever I answer with, #2 I'm still a kid. the monster will typically accept this answer and stop getting Angry with me. From my experience, choosing either #1 or #3 often resulted in more questions from the monster and him getting more angry with me.



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