Episode Prompto Side Quest Walkthroughs
During Episode Prompto, after completing a majority of the story you'll be able to do Side Quests. There are a total of 11 available Side Quests and how they work is depending on the time of day, a different quest will be available. There is no real point to doing a majority of them unless you want the Achievements for Episode Prompto.
In addition to these side quests, you can also find some Attire for Prompto during this episode that carries over into your main save file for Final Fantasy 15. For the map locations of this attire I recommend you use my Episode Prompto Walkthrough.
You can find two maps below of every side quest available during Episode Prompto. If you want any additional information about a specific side quest, scroll down to find that specific side quest on this page.
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The Climb
Time Available: Any time
You can complete this side quest at any time and it's one of the more important ones for you to complete since it opens up a fast travel path to the peak of the mountain. All you have to do is follow the some-what hidden path into the mountains (as shown in the screen shots above) and you'll be teleported to the peak.
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My Little Garulet
Time Available: Morning (6 - 7AM)
All you have to do for this quest is to defeat the flexitusk enemies that are attacking the Garulet. The hardest part of this quest is typically making sure Aranea doesn't attack the Garulet instead of the other enemies. If you run over the flexitusk enemies with your Snowmobile you'll make them vulnerable and open to Crackshot.
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The Snow-walking Dead
Time Available: Morning (around 9am)
This quest is typically available after you complete the My Little Garulet quest in the morning. For this quest all you have to do is defeat multiple waves of Imperial soldiers that come out to attack you, it's easy but it'll take a little bit to complete due to how many enemies you have to fight.
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Crazy MotorSleigh
Time Available: Almost Noon (11AM)
You'll be able to pick up this quest after completing The Snow-Walking Dead Quest (assuming you completed that one within a reasonable amount of time). All you have to do for this quest is race down the side of the mountain, much like we did earlier in the story mission.
Tip: Upgrade the speed on your Snowmobile with CPU parts first and you'll finish this quest with 30-40 seconds to spare.
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Conservation Order No. 128
Time Available: Early Afternoon (1PM/13:00)
Aside from the Kaiser Behemoth quest, this one is the most difficult quest during Episode Prompto since the Mech is level 99. For the majority of this quest you'll want to stand back and let Aranea do all of the heavy lifting. Hide in the ammo hut and let her fight the enemy, stepping out occasionally to use the Tech ability Highwind then follow it up with as many Crackshots as possible.
Here's a tip to inflict very heavy damage on the Mech enemy as well, when it begins to fire its missiles you'll notice a glowing red portion on the Mech's Missile Launcher. Use the Sniper Rifle to hit this glowing red part and you'll inflict 4,000 or more damage in a single hit. I'd recommend doing this over using the Rocket Launcher.
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Emperor of the Angoris
Time Available: Early Afternoon (3PM/15:00)
Much like the Mech quest before it, for this quest you will be fighting a level 99 enemy. Unlike the Mech quest, you'll actually get an achievement for defeating this level 99 enemy called An Emperor Deposed. Our strategy for this fight will be the same as it was for the Mech, you'll want to let Aranea do the majority of the fighting and stay back on Prompto.
After you perform a Highwind Tech attack and the Behemoth becomes vulnerable, unleash as many Crackshot attacks as possible on him. Hide in the ammo hut with Prompto and rinse/repeat this strategy for 8 - 10 minutes until the Kaiser Behemoth is defeated.
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Avalanche of Steel
Time Available: Late Evening/Dusk (5 PM/17:00)
This quest begins on the mountain's peak very close to the location we did The Snow-walking Dead. All you have to do for this quest is dodge the missiles that rain down on you from the sky. There are two Imperial Ships that will be shooting at you throughout this quest - if you look up into the sky you'll see the missiles and have a better chance of dodging them.
It doesn't matter how much damage you take during this quest or how many times you're downed so long as you stay within the quest area.
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Buried in the Snow
Time Available: Dusk (7PM/19:00)
For this quest all you have to do is run around the quest area on your mini map/map and keep an eye out for sparkling items on the ground. The CPU parts are pretty spaced out and you need to find a few before the quest updates. Be sure not to leave the quest area while doing this quest!
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Blinded By White
Time Available: Night (10PM/22:00)
In order to complete this quest you'll need to defeat a few waves of enemies. They'll consist of Snagas, Ice Bombs Alberichs and the final wave will have a Deathclaw enemy which is the hardest part of this side quest. As with the majority of side quests during Episode Prompto you'll want to let Aranea do the majority of the work. Luckily there is an Ammo Shed within this quest area so you won't be entirely useless on Prompto either.
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Ghost In The Snow
Time Available: After Midnight (2AM)
You'll find this quest in the middle of the night in the northern portion of the area where Episode Prompto takes place. For this quest you will need to battle Snaga and Ice Bomb enemies, a large group of them all at once.
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Law of the Wild
Time Available: Before Dawn (5AM)
Another tough one. For this quest you'll be fighting an elder coeurl, a treant and a bandersnatch. The coeurl can heal itself so take it down first or last, use the same strategy that we have been, Prompto mostly dodges until Aranea can use Highwind then you Crackshot and unleash hell.
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