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Harvest Moon: Back to Nature CodeBreaker/Gameshark Codes

This page contains CodeBreaker/Gameshark cheat codes for Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, a game for Playstation 1. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the codes.

Anyone who is using an Emulator will have a much easier time getting these codes to work (assuming your Emulator supports them). One of the most popular Emulators for the Ps1 is ePSXe and if you'd like to learn how to use the codes on this page for that Emulator, check out my how to get cheat codes to work with ePSXe guide.


Animal Codes


Unlimited Money: 80071A5C FFFF

Max Lumber: 80070D38 03E7

Max Fodder: 80070D3A 03E7

Max Fish Food: 80070D3E 03E7

Max Chicken Feed: 80070D40 03E7

Maxed Power Fruits: 800712BC 000A

Max Rucksack Space: 80071A1E 0002

Max Level Sickle: 80071A40 FFFF

Max Level Hoe: 80071A42 FFFF

Max Level Ax: 80071A44 FFFF

Max Level Hammer: 80071A46 FFFF

Max Level Watering Can: 80071A48 FFFF

Unlimited Medals: 80071A60 FFFF

Zero Reduction Expenses: 80071200 0000

Max Stamina: 80071A12 003C

(Max Affection) Red Heart Popuri: 800786B4 FFFF

(Max Affection) Red Heart Elli: 80077298 FFFF

(Max Affection) Red Heart Karen: 800767A0 FFFF

(Max Affection) Red Heart Ann: 80076EF0 FFFF

(Max Affection) Red Heart Mary: 80077BBC FFFF


Max Item In Hand Slot: 80071A8E 0063

Max Slot 1 Rucksack: 80071AC4 0063

Max Slot 2 Rucksack: 80071ACA 0063

Max Slot 3 Rucksack: 80071AD0 0063

Max Slot 4 Rucksack: 80071AD6 0063

Max Slot 5 Rucksack: 80071ADC 0063

Max Slot 6 Rucksack: 80071AE2 0063

Max Slot 7 Rucksack: 80071AE8 0063

Max Slot 8 Rucksack: 80071AEE 0063


Max Money

80071A5C 967F
80071A5E 0098


Max Medals

80071A60 967F
80071A62 0098


Max Earnings

800711FC 967F
800711FE 0098


Max Amount Shipped

50001502 0000
800711C4 03E7


Max Harvest Sprite's Affection

8007A64E 010E
8007A746 010E
8007A83E 010E
8007A936 010E
8007AA2E 010E
8007AB26 010E
8007AC1E 010E


All Item Shipped

800711C4 03E7
800711C6 03E7
800711C8 03E7
800711CA 03E7
800711CC 03E7
800711CE 03E7
800711D0 03E7
800711D2 03E7
800711D4 03E7
800711D6 03E7
800711D8 03E7
800711DA 03E7
800711DC 03E7
800711DE 03E7
800711E0 03E7
800711E2 03E7
800711E4 03E7
800711E6 03E7
800711E8 03E7
800711EA 03E7
800711EC 03E7