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The Legend of Dragoon Stardust Locations (Disc 3)

There are a total of 10 Stardust for you to find on The Legend of Dragoon, Disc 3. As with all previous chapters, you can always come back at a later time and obtain the Stardust on this disc. The Stardust found in Deningrad won't be available to you until after the city is destroyed by the Divine Dragon.


Stardust #36 - Furni (In Three Story Building)

Stardust in Furni Three story building

From the spot you get off the Queen Fury and enter Furni, go into the house on the right hand side. It'll be a three story house and you'll find yourself in the middle portion. In this portion there'll be some barrels, inspect them for the Stardust.

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Stardust #37 - Furni (House off the River)

Stardust in Furni house off river

This Stardust won't be acquireable until after you complete the story part of Furni and spend the night at the Mayor's House. You'll find this Stardust in the building that's right next to the exit of Furni (not where the Queen Fury is) but rather where you leave to go to the Evergreen Forest.

Once inside the building head up to the third floor and pull the rope that's next to the doorway. This will move a wooden thing below. Go through the nearby doorway to take the slide down to the lowest level of the building. Once here inspect the metal pale for the Stardust.

To leave, pull the lever next to the ladder.

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Stardust #38 - Neet (Lamp Post)

Stardust in Neet

Immediately after entering Neet, check the Lamp to the right - you'll find the Stardust inside of it. In order to reach Neet you'll need to travel through the Evergreen Forest. You'll want to travel south from where you first saw Kamuy in the forest, that's the exit to Neet.

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Stardust #39 - Forest of Winglies (Guaraha's Bookshelf)

Stardust on Guarahas Bookshelf

The Wingly town is a nightmare to navigate since you have to take a bunch of portals to get around. This Stardust is found inside Guaraha's room which is reached through a teleporter in the weapon/item shop; in the right side of the room there's a bookshelf search there for the Stardust.

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Stardust #40 - Forest of Winglies (On way to Ancient's Room)

Stardust in Forest of WingliesStardust Location in Forest of Winglies

The large room where Meru's parents are found, you'll want to take the right-most teleporter (the one I am standing on in the screen shot above). After you take the teleporter you'll want to inspect the right hand side of the archway near the purple light. It's on the top part of the screen, I can't think of a better way to describe it!

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Stardust #41 - Deningrad (Near Item Shop/Weapon Shop)

Stardust in Deningrad Item Shop

After the Divine Dragon attacks Deningrad, you'll be able to pick up the Stardust in the town. Prior to that you won't be able to find this Stardust though - keep that in mind! As for this Stardust in particular, you find it just to the right after entering the town, outside the Item and Armor Shops.

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Stardust #42 - Deningrad (Near Item Shop/Weapon Shop)

Deningrad Stardust by Weapon Shop

Much like the previous Stardust, you'll find this one just outside the Item/Weapon Shop in Deningrad after the Divine Dragon attacks the town.

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Stardust #43 - Deningrad (Second Floor; Inn)

Deningrad Stardust on Second Floor of Inn

This Stardust is found on the second floor of the Inn. Search the large spools of rope or line or whatever the crap is immediately to the left after going up the staircase.

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Stardust #44 - Deningrad/Crystal Palace (First room)

Stardust in Deningrad Crystal Palace

Right after entering the Deningrad Castle you'll want to travel up the left most path that ends abruptly with a dead end. This is where you'll find the Stardust.

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Stardust #45 - Deningrad/Crystal Palace (Throne Room)

Stardust in Deningrad Crystal Palace

Found inside the Throne Room of the Crystal Palace in Deningrad, the same room you met Miranda. to the right of where the Queen sits inspect the stone amongst the crystals to find the Stardust.

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Stardust #46 - Vellweb (In Tower after seeing Shirley)

Stardust in VellwebTower with Stardust in Vellweb

This Stardust is found a little bit of the ways into Vellweb shortly after meeting Shirley here. At that fork in the road you'll see a Save Point towards the top of the screen right with a doorway leading to a tower immediately to the right. Venture into this tower and make your way up the staircase that'll take you into the tippy top (shown in my screen shot).

You'll find the Stardust inside of this tower. This is also the last Stardust for you to collect on Disc 3! The next Stardust isn't found until Ulara a little bit later on in the game.


Continue to Stardust Locations (Disc 1)
Continue to Stardust Locations (Disc 2)

Continue to Stardust Locations (Disc 4)