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Ultimate Weapons FF7 Locations and Guide

Much like with all the Final Fantasy games, in 7 every character has a weapon which is considered their "Ultimate Weapon". On every character this weapon has 6 Materia slots, all of them paired together and no Materia Growth. It also uses a different damage formula than every other weapon in the game to calculate damage.

Some of the Ultimate Weapons, like Yuffie's Conformer, have unique quirks like ignoring the damage limitation on Morph too. This makes Morphing enemies significantly easier when you need to do it. For the most part all of these weapons are easy to obtain but some of them can be permanently missed! Below is a brief list of all the Ultimate Weapons you can miss permanently and where they're found.

Missable Ultimate Weapons

Aeris - Princess Guard (Temple of the Ancients)
Barret - Missing Score (Midgar; Return visit during Disc 2)
Cait Sith - HP Shout (Midgar; Return visit during Disc 2)

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Aeris - Princess Guard

Princess Guard Received

The Princess Guard is found inside of the Temple of the Ancients dungeon, the last dungeon Aeris is in your party for. You'll find it by setting the hour hands on the clock to 4 in one of the last puzzles of the dungeon. For more information on obtaining this item follow the link provided in this paragraph.

Princess Guard Damage Formula: x2 damage for every KO'd character

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Cloud - Ultimate Weapon

Cloud's Ultimate Weapon is the result of a brief side quest that involves Ultimate Weapon. After you defeat Diamond Weapon on Disc 2 you'll be able to find Ultimate Weapon in a crater near Junon. Flying into it with the Highwind will begin a battle/this side quest.

Continue reading for more information about obtaining Cloud's Ultimate Weapon

Ultimate Weapon Damage Formula: [(3*Power*Current HP) / Max HP] + 1

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Tifa - Premium Heart

Premium Heart is found by first obtaining the Key to Sector 5 from the Bone Village Side Quest. When you return to Midgar you'll find the Premium Heart in the Wall Market. This machine used to be guarded by a machine gun earlier in the game but it's apparently not working anymore.

Premium Heart Damage Formula: Power * (Tifa's Limit Level * Limit Bar Level / 16) /16] +1

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Cid - Venus Gospel

Any time after you collect the Huge Materia from Rocket Town you can return and speak with the old man by the item shop for Venus Gospel.

Venus Gospel Damage Formula: [(3*Power*Current MP) / Max MP] + 1

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Barret - Missing Score

You'll find Barret's Missing Score on the stairwell that leads to Hojo shortly after defeating Proud Clod. He has to be in your party for this chest to appear, there is a brief bit of dialogue with Barret before he opens the chest. This all happens during the Return to Midgar Raid during Disc 2 and if you miss the Ultimate Weapon during this visit to Midgar you can never return to get it.

Missing Score Damage Formula: [Power * (Total AP attached to Weapon / 10000) / 16] + 1

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Cait Sith - HP Shout

Cait Sith's HP Shout is found on the 64th floor of the Shinra Building and you can only pick this item up during Disc 2 when you return to Midgar. If you miss this Ultimate Weapon during this brief time in Midgar you will never be able to return to get it.

HP Shout Damage Formula: [(3 * Power * Current HP) / Max HP] + 1

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Vincent - Death Penalty

This weapon is given to you by Lucrecia who is found inside Lucrecia's Cave, an out of the way location that can only be reached with a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo or by using the Submarine on Disc 2. If you have Vincent in your party when visiting this location Lucrecia will speak with you and you'll begin the side quest to obtain this weapon and Vincent's Level 4 Limit Break as well.

Continue reading for more information about Lucrecia's Cave

Death Penalty Damage Formula: [Power * (Kills / 128) / 16] +10

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Yuffie - Conformer

The Conformer is found on the Sunken Gelnika, a ship which you can only reach by Submarine on Disc 2. Once inside you'll find the Conformer inside of a chest in the Research Room.

Continue reading for more information about the Sunken Gelnika Side Quest

Conformer Damage Formula: ( Power * Enemy Level ) / 16

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Red XIII - Limited Moon

To get Red XIII's Ultimate Weapon all you have to do is return to Cosmo Canyon with Red XIII in your party on Disc 3. You'll find Bugenhagen in the bedroom of the observatory (on the second floor) - the moment you enter the observatory the scene will begin that rewards you with this weapon.

Limited Moon Damage Formula: [ ( 3 * Power * Current MP ) / Max MP ] + 1