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How to acquire Master Materia - FF7 Guide

Where to get Master materia

Any time after collecting the Huge Materia during Disc 2 you will be able to do the Master Materia Side Quest. In order to get a Master Materia you'll need to have collected the appropriate Huge Materia as well as mastered a majority of the Materias that fall into whatever category you want the Master Materia for.

So, for example, if you want a Master Magic Materia you'll need to master all of the different Magic (green) Materias then inspect the green Huge Materia in Bugenhagen's house. All of the mastered magic Materia will be removed from your inventory and you'll be given a Master Magic Materia.


All Magic Materia Required (Green)

Every Magic Materia is required in order to acquire the Master Magic Materia. There's 21 for you to collect in total and it'll cost you 1,026,000 AP to master everything. Shield, Ultima and FullCure are the hardest to master, each requiring 100,000 AP.

Barrier: Sold in Rocket Town
Comet: Acquired in the Forgotten Capital
Contain: Give the small Chocobo in Mideel Mimett Greens
Destruct: Shinra Mansion Basement (Sephiroth throws it at you) or purchase in Mideel
Earth: Sold in Kalm, Junon Materia Shop or Costa del Sol Materia Shop (late Disc 2)
Exit: Sold in Rocket Town
Fire: Sold in Junon Materia Shop, Costa del Sol Materia Shop, Mideel Materia Shop
FullCure: Found in Cosmo Canyon after Whirlwind Maze
Gravity: Sold in Costa del Sol Materia Shop (late Disc 2) and Mideel Materia Shop
Heal: Sold in Kalm Materia Shop, Junon Materia Shop and Gongaga
Ice: Sold in Junon Materia Shop, Costa del Sol Materia Shop, Mideel Materia Shop
Lightning: Sold in Mideel, Fort Condor, Costa del Sol
Mystify: Purchased at the Cosmo Canyon Materia Shop
Poison: Sold in Kalm and Costa del Sol
Restore: Sold at Fort Condor, Mideel
Revive: Purchase in Junon
Seal: Purchase in Junon and Costa del Sol
Shield: Found in the Northern Crater
Time: Sold at Gongaga and Rocket Town
Transform: Purchased at the Cosmo Canyon Materia Shop
Ultima: North Corel, rewarded to you if you stop the train. Sold to you for 50,000Gil if you crash the train into town


All Command Materia Required (Yellow)

Deathblow: Found in Gongaga. Purchased at Fort Condor/Rocket Town once you have Highwind
Manipulate: Comes equipped on Cait Sith. Purchased at Fort Condor/Rocket Town once you have Highwind
Mime: Found in the Materia Cave near Wutai
Morph: Found in Temple of the Ancients
Sense: Found in Sector 6 and equipped on Red XIII. Purchased in Kalm
Steal: Found in Sewers after Wall Market. Purchased in Kalm
Throw: Comes equipped on Yuffie. Purchased at Fort Condor/Rocket Town once you have Highwind


All Summon Materia Required (Red)




Command Materia BlendMagic Materia Blend






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