Chapter 2: Second Generation - Rune Factory 2 Guides
When you start the 2nd Generation you'll find yourself in control of your child inside your house. The first thing you should probably do is to grab the Rusty Tools which your dad left behind - you can find them inside of the chest that we never used on the 1st floor of the house (pictured above). Only a few Tools are here and they're now rusty, which means you can no longer charge them up.
Since we can't charge these tools up it's going to make farming significantly harder - you'll have to do every single tile one at a time which will drastically slow you down. This is one of the main reasons why you'll want to save up so much money in the first generation, it'll help ensure you have enough for this one.
You'll also be notified about the School and that you can attend it for various lessons. These lessons are actually quite useful since they'll teach you various recipes and how to use the crafting stations that we'll be building inside the School. When it comes to the 2nd generation in this game the biggest change is that you can now craft Accessories, Medicine, Food/Drinks and also upgrade your Tools.
The most important of these is upgrading tools and crafting Accessories; I would recommend you focus on upgrading tools since the rusty ones we have now are garbage. In order to upgrade any of your Tools you'll first have to talk with Byron the Mayor and purchase the Workshop upgrade for the School. The same is true for any of the other crafting stations that are available.
If you want to build Accessories, cook or create Medicine you'll have to purchase/build those crafting stations too. Usually getting all of the crafting stations built is my first priority in the 2nd generation - there are other things you can upgrade too like your Barn that I typically get around this time too.
Below is a list of the various things you can upgrade/build in the 2nd generation.
Workshop: 10,000G and 100 Wood are needed to build this. This crafting station is required to cook, forge and craft just about anything in the game. Arguably the most important thing for you to build at the start of the 2nd generation.
Barn Expansion: 5,000G and 50 Wood per upgrade; you can do a total of 6 expansions each of which will add 3 additional floors to your Barn. It can go all the way down to BF27! Once you obtain the Dragon Break Magic Book you'll also be able to open up a secret path to Palermo Shrine in the bottom of your Barn!
Dojo: 10,000G and 100 Wood to build this. You can use the Dojo to train against various enemies in the game.
Library: 10,000G and 100 Wood to build. Some Magic Books can be found in the Library and you can also play Sugoroku inside. Sugoroku is a multiplayer game.
Large Kitchen: Purchase from Yue on Mondays for 5,000G. With this expansion you will be able to cook various food inside of the Workshop. Don't purchase the Small Kitchen as that's a waste of money, make sure you buy the Large Kitchen instead from Yue!
Pharmacy: You can purchase this from Yue on Mondays for 3,000G. As the name implies, you'll be able to use this crafting station to make various Medicines.
Forge: Purchase this from Yue on Mondays for 7,000G. You'll need this crafting station to make weapons and accessories.
Visit Byron every day/few days and purchase all of the School upgrades that you can. Building a Workshop is extremely important because we have to upgrade our Tools to make them useful again. Daddy's left over money will only last you so long which means you need to be able to make money on your own.
You should also hit up Yue every week and see what she has for sale. If I am not mistaken different days of the week play a role too in the bargains that she has available. Once you've purchased the Workshop upgrade for the School you'll have to buy all of the tools and appliances for it from Yue.
This will cost a lot of money and will also take you a bit of time ingame too because you can't browse bargains from Yue every day, it takes time for her to restock. If you're ever having trouble finding Yue search the entrances to each dungeon (including Blessia Island) for her. She goes to each dungeon during different days of the week but typically she spends the most time in Trieste Forest.
Now that we are in the second generation you should keep in mind that every dungeon in this game has been massively beefed up. You should be very careful when exploring dungeons other than Trieste Forest now; in particular you'll definitely want to stay away from Padova Mountains.
While we're on the topic of dungeons it's worth bringing up that the kid is capable of going through the fences that used to block your path. Additionally, the kid can also read the statues that block your path too and tell you what they say. Each statue asks you to complete a certain task, once it's finished you'll be rewarded with a Tablet Fragment which is a Plot Item. More on these fragments and what they do later.
I recommend you stick with Trieste Forest and Blessia Island for now, explore those dungeons and beat the bosses inside of them. Once they're both finished and you've collected all of the Tablet Fragments inside these dungeons you can move on to Messhina Valley and Padova Mountains.
Since I gave you so much new information about what to do in the second generation, I feel that I should also give you a check list to make remembering what to do easier. Below you will find a list of all the things I do at the start of the second generation. It doesn't really matter which order you do everything in, so long as everything gets completed in the end.
Second Generation Checklist
1. Purchase all upgrades from Byron
2. Purchase all upgrades from Yue (Visit her every day of the week to get them all)
3. Visit the Bulletin Board and complete the quests for valuable items (like Missing Pages)
4. Go to School to learn all of the crafting recipes available
5. Eliminate all statues that block your path in the dungeons
6. Level up your character to handle the dungeons
7. Upgrade/fix Tools at the Workshop using a Forge
8. Craft Accessories and Weapons that will help you beat dungeons
9. Learn magic and use it
10. Collect Tablet Fragments from inside each of the dungeons
For those of you who need help finding people in the town to fulfill requests, I have made another list for you below. This one will tell you the locations of all the townsfolk in Alvarna and where they typically can be found throughout the day on regular days (not Holidays). Some of the villagers are in different spots during the second generation; also villagers seem to move around a lot more during this generation too.
One example of this is almost all the kids are found at School on the weekdays, Mana and Barret both visit the School to teach as well and there are other people who hang around the School that don't attend class. Aside from this, many people seem to hang out in their houses until about noon then transfer to a different area for the rest of the day.
Townspeople Locations in Alvarna (2nd Generation)
Alicia: Alicia can be found by the docks when it isn't raining just like she was during the entire first generation.
Barrett: You can find Barret outside of the School in the morning sometimes or at the docks hanging out with Jake. During the afternoons on weekdays you can find Barrett teaching classes at the School.
Byron: Byron is found inside of his house in Alvarna - West End during the morning hours. Once afternoon rolls around you can typically find him next to the Bulletin Board in De-Sainte Coquille Park or inside of the De Sainte Coquille Dining Hall inside of the mansion. He's in here with Egan and Herman.
Cammy: Cammy can be found in School on weekdays between the hours of 9:00AM and 12:00PM. Once school is over you can find her in the Bath House from 3:00PM until it closes.
Cecilia: She
Dorothy: You can find Dorothy inside of the Alvarna Clinic on sunny days
Douglas: Douglas
Egan: He is found inside of the Eagle Inn 1F much like he was during the entire first generation. On Holidays/Festivals you can find him in the eastern most portion of Alvarna by the weapon shop.
Gordon: You can find Gordon inside of the Alvarna Chapel, he's standing in the same spot he was during the entire first generation.
Herman: Herman
Jake: Jake is found inside of Tanya's Blacksmith in Alvarna - East End most sunny days. Early in the morning you can find him outside of the School sometimes as well.
Julia: She
Leann: You
Mana: Mana
Max: Max i
Natalie: Natalie is found inside of the clinic in Alvarna - East End; she is in the room on the right now.
Orland: You
Ray: You c
Rosalind: Most co
Roy: Roy is found inside the School from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. Once School is done you can find him at Tanya's Blacksmith Shop.
Sera & Serena: You can find these two
Tanya: Tanya is found running the Sharper Edge Blacksmith in Alvarna - East End. You can find here pretty much every single day.
Yue: Yue
While you're working on all of that stuff I recommend you take some time and experiment with the Workshop inside of the School. Raise your Cooking, Forging, Accessories and Pharmacy crafting skills because you'll need all of them to beat the game. Forging is required to make the best weapons in the game - which you'll need to beat the harder enemies and bosses.
Cooking is required to make food that heals you and also food that buffs your stats. You can get away with not raising Cooking if you're good enough to avoid getting hit... but I strongly recommend you raise Cooking anyway so that you can make useful food. Pharmacy will allow you to craft items to heal yourself and also some items you make with this crafting skill are used in Cooking.
Accessories are kind of self explanatory, you use this skill to craft accessories for your character. This is also an important one in my opinion because accessories give you the largest stat boosts in this game. Below are links to all of my crafting guides for Rune Factory 2. I've put together lists of every recipe in the game for every Tradeskill and I have also added fast leveling routes for a few of the Tradeskills that I did.
Continue to Accessories Recipe List
Continue to Cooking Recipes List
Continue to Forging Recipes List
Continue to Pharmacy Recipes List
The information about tradeskills is only part of what you need though. In order to make some of the best items you will need to go out of your way to get rare ingredients either from monsters or from mining, searching etc. In an effort to make your life easier I have compiled a lot of the information I wanted when playing this game into lists and guides.
Below are links to all of the guides that I found helpful when playing through this game.
Continue to Fishing Locations and Guide
Continue to Villager Gift List
Continue to Mining Resource Locations
Continue to List of All Monsters, What They Drop & Where They're Found
Continue to Skill Seal List Locations
-- All Spell Book Locations?
-- All Missing Pages Locations?
-- Item List
Name of Book
Where to Get:
Missing Page 1:
Missing Page 2:
What the Spell Does:
In addition to all of the information given above, there are a few more things I think you should know about this game. The information below is in no particular order and they're random helpful things that I learned or discovered when playing through Rune Factory 2.
- Obtain the Cure Magic Book from the Alvarna Clinic Bookshelf
- Complete Tanya's 17th Quest, Trial! Hornets. She'll reward you with the Gorgeous Sword weapon which is a very good weapon and one you can use until the end of the game if desired.
Tip: Don't harvest crops that are fully grown and they will spawn the floating globes that replenish your RP. You can use these orbs to quickly level your tradeskills during this generation.
- Obtain the Rare Music Pieces if you plan to make some of the higher level items in this game. You'll need the "Search" skill that allows your monster's to search dungeons. Check out my Rare Music Pieces Locations & Guide for more information.