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Quest #056 Nicholas's Necklace - Eastern Stornway

Quest 056 Map Location

This is a post game quest

Quest Requirements: Defeat Abyss Divers in the corner of the map until you receive Memento Necklace

Reward: Seed of Defense

This quest is given to you by a man on a small island east of Stornway; you can't reach this place until after you've beaten the game and completed Side Quest #039 for Sterling's Whistle. If you're having trouble finding this location I recommend you look at my world map below.

On the island the man we're looking for is named Nicholas and he's found in the southern building. For this quest you will have to go to any of the four corners of the map and fight Abyss Divers (shown in the screen shot below) which will drop the Memento Necklace. They will only drop the necklace if you've got the quest in your log at the time.

The "four corners of the map" are literally the areas in the corners of the world map where you ship can cross over and appear on the other side. Zoom to Bloomingdale and hop in your ship and sail southeast until you pop out on the top, then just sail around in the corner. It won't take long to find the enemies you're after.

Quest 056 Map LocationAbyss Diver enemy

After you've completed this quest return to the island west of Stornway and turn it into Nicholas. There'll now be another quest for you in the northern building, Side Quest #057 which is basically just like this one just done outside of Bloomingdale instead.






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