Super Mario Advance 4 Gameshark Codes (USA)
This page contains Gameshark cheat codes for Super Mario Advance 4 (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Gameshark device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head on over to my Super Mario Advance 4 (USA) CodeBreaker Codes and check for your code there instead!
Super Mario Advance 4 Master Code
8B587EC0 75CCBF72
8769AE3A 7528153D
Unlimited Lives: 4012F5B7 3B7801A6
Millions of Points: 686D7FC3 24B5B832
Always Big Mario: DE522EBA 866C1DA9
Always Cape Mario: 7E6F3D97 45D9A618
Always Fire Mario: 78065F06 630E81BD
Always Frog Mario: DFE2DAB3 264E134F
Always Hammer Mario: 133B2758 F3883159
Always Raccoon Mario: 2952EB57 E0316BFB
Always Hammer Mario: 133B2758 F3883159
Try this code if the other doesn't work and vice versa.
Always Raccoon Mario: 2952EB57 E0316BFB
Try this code if the other doesn't work and vice versa.
Always Tanooki Mario: F18B5735 A0FBDF0F
Mushrooms Give 2 Ups: A6F9AF8D 6035C2E8
Player 1 Unlimited Lives: D07B66FA 2F7EDFE5
99 Coins: 895AC7D7 0D5B57C7
Star for 5-Up: 29CC2D5D 53A4E0F4
"Hyper" Mario: 8015BF21 51D7CC31
"Kicker" Mario: 6F18D671 3587F073
"Super" Mario: BC330CD9 04AE547E
Access To All Worlds: ED501735 C6FADC3C
Always Cloud On Map: DBAF251D 7BFCB9F8
Always Fire Mario: 78065F06 630E81BD
Always Float to the Ground: 3C350AC5 AA8024D9
Always Frog Mario: DFE2DAB3 264E134F
Start as Small Mario: 10857266 A8081967
Blue Toad House Always Open: 419759E7 D4D0C4E1
Goal Card is Always Flower: D9EE1BB5 48E5B303
Goal Card is Always Mushroom: 125E899A 14258522
Goal Card is Always Star: 621C3A70 A7FD2279
All Castles Cleared
E3AA13A1 BB2E7379
691ED47F 07378A8B
Raccoon Mario (Press R + Up)
8B5628A4 4902BE6B
BDA65F34 AF5A7B09
Tanooki Mario (Press L + Left)
A8509546 AF9FCE1C
BDA65F34 AF5A7B09
Always Have Fireball
BDA65F34 AF5A7B09
54E4BB2C ED49B94A
End Stage (Select + L)
Doesn't work on Castles or Fortress stages.
320B267B 26D2B219
495F8F32 B0E5ADC3
320B267B 26D2B219
84B9709E 325FA506
320B267B 26D2B219
A563F3A4 A9F3D7A4
88A06371 A9B728DC
9D8CBD6A 31AC9F37
Fireballs Hit Anywhere
53703EC6 5B2153A6
CDE8AE47 E0DF7372
BDA65F34 AF5A7B09
CDE8AE47 E0DF7372
Jump In Midair
262995C6 9605827B
74CA0171 7A3556A5
Tail Hits From Anywhere
E0F25C8D EA94949E
CDE8AE47 E0DF7372
Walk Anywhere on World Map
45FBEF38 66735807
65DA389A 09D8882C
217C9D8E 8231A265
7538A2D5 FA93A71F