Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - Have Badge CodeBreaker Codes (USA)
This page contains CodeBreaker cheat codes for Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head on over to my Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (USA) Gameshark Codes and check for your code there instead!
Enable All Badge Slots
This code needs to be active for the following Badge codes to work.
2200433C 0003
42004912 6363
0000002B 0001
Bean Badge: 32004992 0000
Castle Badge: 32004993 0001
Pea Badge: 32004994 0002
Bean B. Badge: 32004995 0003
Counter Badge: 32004996 0004
Charity Badge: 32004997 0005
Bros. Badge: 32004998 0006
Miracle Badge: 32004999 0007
Ohoracle Badge: 3200499A 0008
Mush Badge: 3200499B 0009
Mari-Lui Badge: 3200499C 000A
Muscle Badge: 3200499D 000B
Spiny Badge AA: 3200499E 000C
Mush Badge A: 3200499F 000D
Grab Badge: 320049A0 000E
Mush Badge AA: 320049A1 000F
Power Badge: 320049A2 0010
Wonder Badge: 320049A3 0011
Beauty Badge: 320049A4 0012
Salvage Badge: 320049A5 0013
Oh-Pah Badge: 320049A6 0014
Brilliant Badge: 320049A7 0015
Sarge Badge: 320049A8 0016
General Badge: 320049A9 0017
Tank Badge: 320049AA 0018
School Emblem: 320049AB 0019
Steady Badge: 320049AC 001A
Oh-Jee Symbol: 320049AD 001B
Spiny Badge A: 320049AE 001C
Bros. Life: 320049AF 001D
Piranha Swing: 320049B0 001E
Bros. Rock: 320049B1 001F
Lucky Ribbon: 320049B2 0020
Mush Badge A (Double): 320049B3 0021
Soulful Bros.: 320049B4 0022
High-end Badge: 320049B5 0023
Hand Aura: 320049B6 0024
Sledge Heart: 320049B7 0025
Lucky Bros: 320049B8 0026
Bros. Respect: 320049B9 0027
Bowser Fist: 320049BA 0028
Bowser Fang: 320049BB 0029
Spike Badge: 320049BC 002A
Chuckola Badge: 320049BD 002B
Enable All Star Badge Slots
This code needs to be active for the following codes to work.
2200433C 0004
42004982 0101
00000004 0002
Have Greed Wallet: 32004A02 0000
Have Bonus Ring: 32004A03 0001
Have Excite Spring: 32004A04 0002
Have Great Force: 32004A05 0003
Have Power Grip: 32004A06 0004
Have Cobalt Necktie: 32004A07 0005
Have Game Boy Horror SP: 32004A08 0006