Mario Tennis Power Tour - Player 2 Action Replay MAX Codes (USA)
This page contains Action Replay MAX cheat codes for Mario Tennis Power Tour (USA). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head on over to my Mario Tennis Power Tour (USA) CodeBreaker Codes and check for your code there instead!
(Player 1) Character Modifier Code: 0200510 000000??
Note: Replace the ?? with the digits that correspond to the character you wish to play as below.
00 - Boy
01 - Girl
02 - Mario
03 - Luigi
04 - Peach
05 - Waluigi
06 - Dk
07 - Bowser
08 - Messed Up Block
09 - Floating Tennis Ball Shooter
0A - Blue Haired Kid
0B - Spikey Black Haired Kid
0C - Red Eye Kid
0D - Red Haired Kid
0E - Little Girl
0F - Blue Haired Girl
10 - Long Purple Haired Girl
11 - Blonde Girl
12 - Guy With Mullet
13 - Fatty With Mohawk
14 - Guy With Long Ponytail
15 - Shaggy Haired Guy
16 - Pink Haired Chick
17 - Pink Mushroom-Cut Girl
18 - Bangs Girl (Looks Like Princess Leia)
19 - Older Lady
1A - Guy With Glasses
1B - Big Guy
1C - Dude Wearing Band
1D - Guy Who Looks Like An Idiot
1E - Girl With Knuckles Hair
1F - Log Ponytail Girl
20 - Guy Wearing Beanie
21 - Girl Who Looks Like Peach
22 - Big Idiot Guy
23 - Girl With Visor
24 - Spikey Blonde Hair Guy
25 - Diffrent Weird Block
26 - Tall Man
27 - Chun Li Looking Girl
28 - Red Haired Women
(The Characters From Now Onwards Have No Display Picture)
29 - Purple Mustache Guy
2A - Pirate
2B - Random Guy
2C - Guy With Red Sunglasses
2D - Women
2E - Women With Visor And Sunglasses
2F - Messed Up Block
30 - Starred Mario
31 - Starred Luigi
32 - Starred Peach
33 - Starred Waluigi
34 - Starred DK
35 - Starred Bowser
36 - Boy (Diffrent?)
37 - Boy But In red Clothing
38 - Boy But In Blue Clothing
39 - Boy But In Yellow Clothing
3A - Girl (Different?)
3B - Girl But Blue
3C - Girl (Different?)
3D - Girl Has Purple Hair
3E - Boy (Freezes)
3F - Girl (Freezes)