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Golden Sun: The Lost Age - Ivan Action Replay MAX Codes (USA, Europe)

This page contains Action Replay MAX cheat codes for Golden Sun: The Lost Age (USA, Europe). If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Action Replay device to use these codes.

If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.

Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head on over to my Golden Sun: The Lost Age (USA, Europe) CodeBreaker Codes and check for your code there instead!



Unlimited Health: 06F13DB1 1E511FA7

Unlimited PP: 34B32AF8 813A676C

Max PP: 0FCEE22A D7C7103D

Max Agility: 38E32103 58364CC7

Max Attack: D7BFB7A4 56BBCF76

Max Defense: B2BB7CCB CDDB5ED1

Max Experience: 275277DC 7A022A72

Max Health: 2D04B28D F0FBFB76

Max Level: FCC264E8 0AB21FCC

Max Luck: AF379B09 8371FFBC


Max Power Earth: 1C1DDA5E E7747DB1

Max Power Fire: C860566A 8ED7EEBB

Max Power Water: D281B811 27205697

Max Power Wind: 9AEC80E3 634EFB04


Max Resist Earth: FFD22F31 6D55FD4E

Max Resist Fire: C21E19CD B26E0A7B

Max Resist Water: DBDD9508 7701FB12

Max Resist Wind: 3343A463 E177BB81