Castlevania Have Item CodeBreaker Codes (USA, Europe)
This page contains Have Item CodeBreaker cheat codes for Castlevania. If you're playing on an emulator you can usually input codes very easily by accessing a tab off the top of the toolbar. Anyone playing on a physical Gameboy will need to purchase a physical Codebreaker device to use these codes.
If you're using an emulator and still can't figure out how to setup these codes, you're in luck! There's two common emulators for GBA games, the mGBA and VisualBoy Advance. Follow the link provided for the emulator you're using to be taken to a guide explaining how to get these codes working.
Don't see the code you're looking for on this page? Head back to the Castlevania CodeBreaker Codes Index page and check for your code there.
Have Magic Boots: 4C9CFC7D 81D2
Have Double: 41FB13DC 519F
Have Tackle: 41D893DC D19F
Have Kick Boots: 41BB37FC 5197
Have Heavy Ring: 4198B7FC D197
Have Cleansing: 45FB59DC 519E
Have Roc Wing: 45D8D9DC D19E
Have Last Key: 45BB7DFC 5196
Have Bear Ring: 55FB59D4 588E
Have Toy Ring: 5198B7F4 D887
Have Miracle Armband: 51BB37F4 5887
Have Magic Gauntlet: 51D893D4 D88F
Have Arm Guard: 51FB13D4 588F
Have Gauntlet: 5C9CFC75 88C2
Have Wrist Band: 5CBF7C75 08C2
Have Gambler Armband: 5CDCD855 88CA
Have Sage Armband: 5CFF5855 08CA
Have Defense Armband: 589CB675 88C3
Have Strength Armband: 58BF3675 08C3
Have Cursed Ring: 58DC9255 88CB
Have Luck Ring: 58FF1255 08CB
Have Intelligence Ring: 549CFDF4 88C6
Have Hard Ring: 54BF7DF4 08C6
Have Strength Ring: 54DCD9D4 88CE
Have Star Bracelet: 54FF59D4 08CE
Have Double Grips: 509CB7F4 88C7
Have Soldier Fatigues: 50BF37F4 08C7
Have Ninja Garb: 50DC93D4 88CF
Have Night Suit: 50FF13D4 08CF
Have Stylish Suit: EF0AFC2D 5130
Have Prison Garb: EF297C2D D130
Have Cotton Clothes: EF4AD80D 5138
Have Sage Robe: EF69580D D138
Have Magic Robe: EB0AB62D 5131
Have Rainbow Robe: EB29362D D131
Have Silk Robe: EB4A920D 5139
Have Cotton Robe: EB69120D D139
Have Shining Armor: E70AFDAC 5134
Have Dark Armor: E7297DAC D134
Have Needle Armor: E74AD98C 513C
Have Mirror Armor: E769598C D13C
Have Diamond Armor: E30AB7AC 5135
Have Platinum Armor: E32937AC D135
Have Steel Armor: E34A938C 513D
Have Chain Mail: E369138C D13D
Have Gold Armor: EE0EFC2D 0170
Have Bronze Armor: EE2D7C2D 8170
Have Leather Armor: EE4ED80D 0178
Have Salamander Card: C5E959CC D1BC
Have Serpent Card: C5CAD9CC 51BC
Have Mandragora Card: C5A97DEC D1B4
Have Golem Card: C58AFDEC 51B4
Have Cockatrice Card: C9E9124D D1B9
Have Manticore Card: C9CA924D 51B9
Have Griffon Card: C9A9366D D1B1
Have Thunderbird Card: C98AB66D 51B1
Have Unicorn Card: CDE9584D D1B8
Have Black Dog Card: CDCAD84D 51B8
Have Mercury Card: CDA97C6D D1B0
Have Venus Card: CD8AFC6D 51B0
Have Jupiter Card: 727D1394 884F
Have Mars Card: 725E9394 084F
Have Diana Card: 723D37B4 8847
Have Apollo Card: 721EB7B4 0847
Have Neptune Card: 767D5994 884E
Have Saturn Card: 765ED994 084E
Have Uranus Card: 763D7DB4 8846
Have Pluto Card: 761EFDB4 0846