NFL 2K - Character Creation Action Replay Codes (USA)
This page contains the Action Replay Codes that I have available for NFL 2K, a game for Dreamcast. If you are playing on an Emulator you can usually input these codes rather easily by accessing a tab at the top of your Emulator; those of you playing on a physical Dreamcast console will have to use an actual Action Replay device instead.
If you don't see the code you're looking for on this page I recommend you return to my NFL 2K Guides and Walkthroughs and choose a different section.
Max Aggressiveness: FC894DE9 3F800000
Max Agility: CEBB3C97 3F800000
Max BallHandler Power Moves: 75D5086D 3F800000
Max BallHandler Finesse Run Fake: AC338AFE 3F800000
Max Block: D2A858B0 3F800000
Max Break Tackle: BF76E1E2 3F800000
Max Catch: FCF94DE9 3F800000
Max Coverage: 33A1FF28 3F800000
Max Def Pass Rush: 5A47AC38 3F800000
Max Def Run Support: AC838AFE 3F800000
Max Get Open Run Route: 33D1FF28 3F800000
Max Hold On Ball: 6DDBB02E 3F800000
Max Jumping: 2F97B82A 3F800000
Max Kick Accuracy: 9358D198 3F800000
Max Kick Power: 434AC4A6 3F800000
Max Lower Body Strength: AF238AFE 3F800000
Max Pass Arm Strength: D27858B0 3F800000
Max Pass Blocking: BC66E1E2 3F800000
Max Pass Fake Ability/Accuracy: 8773566F 3F800000
Max Pass Read Coverage: 2C87B82A 3F800000
Max Punt Accuracy: 6F3BB02E 3F800000
Max Punt Power: 2DF7B82A 3F800000
Max Run Blocking: 87C3566F 3F800000
Max Speed: 8463566F 3F800000
Max Tackle: 1A34CDFE 3F800000
Max Upper Body Strength: 59E7AC38 3F800000
Max Stats
8462D66F E06C1041