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List of Endgame Base Locations - Kenshi

On this page you will find a list of all the base locations in Kenshi that I have documented that fall into the "End game base" category. I have 2 main qualifications that will land a base on this page; the first of which is if the base is located in an end game zone. Any base in a zone like Sonorous Dark, Ashlands, Leviathan Coast, The Pits or Stobe's Gamble/Garden will fall into this category since I consider each of those zones to be "end game".

The second main qualification I have is if the location is good for an end game base in terms of resources, location or something else. Some base locations like the one in Fog Islands are not in an end game zone but they are good enough locations for an end game base due to the amount of resources here in terms of Mining and Farming.


Complete list of Kenshi Base Locations

All End Game Base Locations

All Farming Base Locations

All Mining Base Locations

All Noob Zone Base Locations



Fog Island - Mega Base

Fog Islands Base Map Location

Base Rating: 10/10
Environment: 70% Green, 75% Arid
Enemy Attacks: Often but low level
Resources: Iron, Copper, Stone, Water
Other: Close proximity to Mongrel which has good armor and skeleton limb vendors for [Masterwork] and [Specialist] gear

Out of all the locations I talk about on this page, this is probably my favorite -- if not definitely in my top 3. In the northeastern portion of Fog Islands you'll find a plateau that has more Iron than you can ever use and more space than you'll ever need for building a giant base. You'll also find 1 Copper node near the northern end of this location (mixed in with about 5 Iron Nodes) along with 2 more Copper nodes a tad bit south of our base in the fog.

The only thing that is lacking with this location is Water but you can easily make some wells in the foggy area just south of your base near the 2 Copper Nodes which has 100% water.

Fog Island Base Location Youtube Video

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Stobe's Garden/Greenbeach Megabase Location

Stobes Garden Map Location

Base Rating: 8.5/10
Environment: Green 100% and Arid 50% (Greenbeach) and Arid 100% Stobe's Garden
Enemy Attacks: Crab Raiders, Reavers, Skin Bandits
Resources: 5 Iron, 1 Copper
Other: N/A

This area is actually the border of 2 zones, Stobe's Garden and Greenbeach. Depending on where you build your base it's possible to have both the Greenbeach and Stobe's Garden Environment characteristics allowing you to grow more than just Arid crops here. Also, depending on where you build your base you may have more or less Iron and Copper nodes within your walls than I did. In this area you will also find a terrace which has an Iron deposit on top and only a single entrance to the terrace making it an amazing location in terms of natural defenses.

I would only recommend this location to people who have a full Squad of 20+ characters with all characters having stats in the 40s - 50s. This zone is what I would consider an end game zone and will be very difficult if you're under prepared. The native enemies in this area are Reavers and Land Bats; you only really need to worry about the Reavers since they have high stats (40 - 50+) and will kidnap you after you fall unconcious. Skin Bandits in my experience won't bother you until you visit their nest to the south but then they'll send invasions.

Out of all the locations mentioned on this page I feel this one has the best natural defenses; even if you don't build your base on the plateau I am talking about you can still encorporate it into your base design. What I mean is, you can build your base below the plateau where the majority of the resources are and when you're attacked by enemies fall back to the top of the plateau and guard it with turrets and defenses.

Stobe's Garden/Greenbeach Mega Base Location Youtube Video

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Gut Base Location

Gut Base Map Location

Base Rating: 7/10
Environment: Arid 50% and Green 100%
Enemy Attacks: Slave Traders, Reavers
Resources: 2 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up from the Hiver Faction and Trader's Guild

Gut is actually a fantastic location for you to make a base if you want a location that is not peaceful and constantly under attack by Beak Things. This is the main 'charm' of the location if you will and its greatest benefit as well as greatest weakness. When you first arrive in Gut it'll be pretty challenging until you get some walls up and some buildings with some beds -- once you get these basic things though the true greatness of Gut will shine.

If you build some Storage containers for Meat and Skins then set a character to "Forage Animals" as a Job ((Shift right click a monster's body)) then this character will automatically collect the meat and skins off the corpse. Not only will this instantly kill the Beak Thing and prevent it from bothering our Squad again but it'll also automatically collect valuable resources for us and store them. Beak Things will constantly be attacking you at this location so you will get a near infinite supply of Skins and Meat without you having to lift a finger.

Another great benefit of the constant attacks is the Toughness and combat skill ups you will get as a result. Most of my characters had Toughness in the 20s-30s prior to making my base in Gut; after a full day here with the game on turbo speed and me AFKing everyone now has 50+ Toughness and combat skills. The cost of this was I lost 4 characters in total (RIP Ruka and Kang) and about 20 limbs. Overall I consider that to be a net benefit, I can just Import Game and recruit Ruka and Kang if I wanted to since they are unique companions that I enjoy.

Resources at this location are quite good too. Iron and Copper is plentiful and there is excellent Fertility and Water for all our crop growing needs. The only thing I would complain about here is the Wind. It's very inconsistent and more often than not doesn't provide you with enough power.

Gut Base Location Youtube Video

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Fishman Island Base Location

Fishman Island Base Map Location

Base Rating: 9/10
Environment: Green 100% and Swamp 50%
Enemy Attacks: I had none
Resources: 3 Iron, 1 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up

Fishman Island is a small zone to the south of Bonefields that has a great environment for growing crops and is relatively safe from enemy raids. Not only is this place great for growing crops but it's got good Stone, Iron and Copper - every thing you need for a solid base. You can also make this island almost completely safe from enemies by taking out King Gurgler at the Island Lab along the southern coast.

In all of the time I spent here I never got any base invasions except for scripted ones from Reputations. United Cities attacked me because I raided their towns, Berserkers attacked me because I took out the Bugmaster - things like that. Maybe I was bugged (I did Import Game to check) but I never got a base invasion except those.

This base is one of my favorite locations in the game is I am doing early game Hashish trading with Flats Lagoon. You can learn more about this in my Hashish Money Making Guide.

Fishman Island Base Location Youtube Video

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Leviathan Coast Base Location

Leviathan Coast Base Location

Base Rating: 9/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 50%
Enemy Attacks: Cannibals
Resources: 10+ Iron, 5 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up as well

Leviathan Coast is one of the first end game zones of Kenshi (if you can consider it that) and one of the best locations IMO to build a giant base. The area in this zone I picked for the base is rich in both Iron and Copper and it also comes with high Water, Ferility and Wind making it a fantastic location for a base.

Since the environment in this zone is 100% Arid and 50% Green it means that you'll be able to grow everything except Riceweed. Cactus will grow with lesser yields since it is Arid only but we do not really need to grow Cactus anyway so it's not that big of a deal. As far as base raids go at this location you should expect Cannibals to show up fairly regularly but aside from them I was never bothered by any other faction.

Leviathan Coast Base Location Youtube Video