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Base Locations for most zones - Kenshi

Prospecting in Kenshi

In Kenshi if you'd like to craft your own Food, Weapons, Armor, Arrows, Robotic Limbs and more you'll need to build your own base. When choosing a location to build your base in Kenshi there are a few important things you'll want to look out for. If you use the 'Prospect' skill on a character you'll get an info blurb about the surrounding area which tells you Stone, Fertility, Water, Copper, Iron and more.

Stone is only important early on when you still need Building Materials. You can always buy Building Materials from stores and traders instead though if you are in an area with low Stone. Fertility tells you how well crops will grow in this area; if you've unlocked Hydroponics then Fertility doesn't matter because you can grow indoors.

Water tells you how much water can be found in this area. Having an area with high Water values is helpful if you plan to operate a farm - if you don't plan to grow crops then you don't have to worry about Water or Fertility. The other two important ones are Copper and Iron. Usually when you are looking for locations to a build a base you'll want to build one in close proximity of at least one Copper and Iron node.


Guide: Setting up your first base & All you need to know


Base Locations Quick List

All End Game Base Locations
All Farming Base Locations
All Mining Base Locations
All Noob Zone Base Locations



Fog Island - Mega Base

Fog Islands Base Map Location

Base Rating: 10/10
Environment: 70% Green, 75% Arid
Enemy Attacks: Often but low level
Resources: Iron, Copper, Stone, Water
Other: Close proximity to Mongrel which has good armor and skeleton limb vendors for [Masterwork] and [Specialist] gear

Out of all the locations I talk about on this page, this is probably my favorite -- if not definitely in my top 3. In the northeastern portion of Fog Islands you'll find a plateau that has more Iron than you can ever use and more space than you'll ever need for building a giant base. You'll also find 1 Copper node near the northern end of this location (mixed in with about 5 Iron Nodes) along with 2 more Copper nodes a tad bit south of our base in the fog.

The only thing that is lacking with this location is Water but you can easily make some wells in the foggy area just south of your base near the 2 Copper Nodes which has 100% water.

Fog Island Base Location Youtube Video

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South Wetlands - Farm

South Wetlands Farm Map Location

Base Rating: 6/10
Environment: Swamp 100%
Enemy Attacks: Slave Raids and Swamp Raptors if you grow crops
Resources: Farmland - no mines
Other: This spot is good for a small farm unit for making food

If all you care about is building up a farm for food and you'd like a safe location to do it - one of my favorite locations to make a farm base is in the South Wetlands. This location is completely devoid of Copper and there's only a single Iron deposit nearby but it's a short swim across some water.

What makes this location so good (imo) is the safety of it. The only two events that will bother you are the UC Tax Man (asks for some Cats each week) and slave raids. In my personal experience these events have a very hard time reaching your base due to the fact that your base is pretty much on an island and around many hostile patrols of enemies.

South Wetlands Base Location Youtube Video

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Shem - Mining Outpost/Base

Shem Mining Outpost Map Location

Base Rating: 8/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 10%
Enemy Attacks: Frequent; Dust Bandits most common
Resources: 2 Copper and 1 Iron Deposit (or more depending on size and location of base)
Other: N/A

Despite seeming like a rather inhospitable place - Shem is actually a great zone to build a base in. In the southern portion of this zone you'll find lots of Copper and Iron deposits scattered between the small lakes which is the place you'll want to build your base around. If you build your base right in Shem you can force all enemy units that raid your base to swim through the water in order to reach your front gate effectively giving you a killbox/choke point to take all of them out with wall mounted turrets.

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Swamp Base

Swamp Base Map Location

Base Rating: 8/10
Environment: 100% Swamp
Enemy Attacks: Frequent; Stone Rats and Red Sabre Raids
Resources: Copper, Iron and constant Water
Other: N/A

I like this location the most in the swamp due to its close proximity to Shark, Mud Town and the Grayflayer Village. Though one word of warning is the Shopkeeper in Grayflayer will likely die from frequent attacks at that settlement. I lost both vendors there and had to Import Game to get them back.

At this location there are also 2 Copper Mines and 4 Iron Mines which is quite a few for the swamp. Since we're in the swamp we can grow lots of Hemp to turn into Hash as well as Fabrics and Biofuel. Riceweed is also a good crop to grow here since we can turn it into Rice Bowls to feed our characters and Sake for some extra money. All in all, in my opinion this is one of the better midgame bases that you can make. I like to setup shop here and make a ton of Fabric with Hemp followed by tons of Hash if I have the crafting station unlocked.

Hash requires a bit of investment in the researching tree to unlock - if you don't yet have it then I recommend you make Sake instead since that is easier to unlock. Last but not least if you plan to make a base in the swamp I recommend you read into the Hash/Sake/Skeleton Repair Kit Trading Route which we can take full advantage of considering our base's location.

Swamp Base Location Youtube Video

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Shrieking Forest/Floodlands Border Base

Shrieking Forest Base Location

Base Rating: 4/10
Environment: 100% Green
Enemy Attacks: Unrelenting
Resources: Iron, Copper
Other: Great for leveling up Toughness and Combat stats due to the constant onslaught of enemies

If you want your base to constantly be under siege by enemies then there is no better location to build a base than this one. For anyone who hasn't yet been to the Shrieking Forest - there are groups of naked bandits that roam this land and they seem to be infinite in number. Almost every time I come to this zone I find myself so frequently attacked by Shrieking Bandits that I have never been able to move through the zone unmolested.

What I like about building a base in this zone is that it's constantly under attack giving you a good opportunity to raise combat skills along with Toughness.

Notes: I don't think I got a single scripted base raid or visit the entire time I was here

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The Great Desert - Mining Outpost

The Great Desert Base Location

Base Rating: 4/10
Environment: 100% Arid
Enemy Attacks: Sand Ninja, Slave Raiders, United Heroes League
Resources: 2 Copper, 1 Iron
Other: Trader's Guild Taxes and United Cities Taxes must be paid here

I searched around a lot in The Great Desert and this is probably the best location there is for making a base. There is a ton of Iron in the surrounding area and more than enough Copper for everything we need but the Fertility and Water is going to be extremely low to the point of being nonexistent. For this reason I typically only recommend this base as a mining outpost of sorts. What I did when I was here is make a ton of Skeleton Repair Kits and sold them in the nearby towns.

Another downside of being here is that you will constantly be harassed by almost everyone. Sand Ninjas will show up at your doorstep as well as Slave Raiders and the United Heroes League. The United Heroes League will only attack you if you fail to pay the Trader's Guild fees but once they start attacking they're pretty relentless. You'll also have to deal with The Traders Guild and United Cities bugging you weekly for taxes at this location.

To end on a good note, the Wind power that you get at this location is extremely consistent and will rarely ever diminish. In my experience once or twice a day at most the wind slows for like 30min-1hr (ingame time) then it picks back up and blows at full force. Overall, power was never an issue here.

The Great Desert Base Location Youtube Video

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Raptor Island Base - Farm/Mega Base Location

Raptor Island Base Location

Base Rating: 6/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 10%
Enemy Attacks: Cannibals & Swamp Raptors
Resources: Lots of Iron and Water
Other: Great location for leveling up combat stats and Toughness

This base is good if you want to be left alone from constant enemy raids and if you'd like to fight a bunch of Swamp Raptors to raise your combat skills/Toughness. At this location there is only one type of raid will ever bother you at this base and that is Cannibal Swarms which typically run from Dreg to your base. However, if you decide to grow crops at this base you can make Swamp Raptors constantly attack you as they come to eat your crops -- which is how you'll be able to exploit their AI for easy Toughness/Combat Skill ups.

Raptor Island Base Location Youtube Video

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Vain Lots of Copper Base

Vain Base Map Location

Base Rating: 8/10
Environment: Arid 50%, Green 50% and Swamp 20%
Enemy Attacks: N/A
Resources: An abundance of literally everything
Other: Great location for a big base that is almost never attacked

Most people pass over Vain because of the extremely annoying red rain in this zone which is actually just regular rain, despite what you read online. There are lots of websites out there that say the rain in Vain is acid but it's actually just normal ol' rain. All of the water here is definitely acid though so keep that in mind!

This spot in Vain is one of the best base locations I have probably found due to the nice Environmental spread combined with the abundance of every single resource. You're able to grow every single crop in the game at this base and you'll have enough Copper and Iron to build whatever you want and produce whatever you want. Not only that but you'll receive no enemy attacks at this location in my experience.

Vain 'Lots of Copper' Base Location Youtube Video

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The Border Zone Base Location

The Border Zone Base Map Location

Base Rating: 7/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 10%
Enemy Attacks: Dust Bandits, Black Dragon Ninjas
Resources: Lots of Iron, Some Copper
Other: The best base for new players

In my opinion this is the best location possible for new players to start a base at. The Border Zone is one of the primary "noob" zones of this game and the base attacks you get while being here will all be Dust Bandits and Hungry Bandits along with the Black Dragon Ninjas (if you didn't wipe out their settlement). At the location I chose you'll have 2 Iron Deposits for you to gather ore from along with 1 Copper Deposit; this will give you enough resources to do Robotics, an Electrical Workbench and other crafting stations.

Farming won't be too plentiful in this zone as it's primarily Arid but it does have 10% Green too which will allow you to grow Wheatstraw or Hemp along with your Cactus' if you'd like. If you plan to do farming at this base I would recommend planting Cactus and making Cactus Rum for money and also planting some Wheatstraw too so that you can make Bread along with Dustwichs for food.

- Holy Nation will bug you here with Prayer Day if you're unlucky. Sometimes they don't show up though, chalk it up to Kenshi bugs

The Border Zone Base Location Youtube Video

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Howler's Maze Base Location

Howler Maze Base Location

Base Rating: 7/10
Environment: Green 100% and Arid 50%
Enemy Attacks: Slave Traders, Crab Raiders, Reavers
Resources: Lots of Iron, 4 Copper
Other: Decent out of the way base that typically doesn't see many base attacks

Howler's Maze is a pretty out of the way zone that doesn't experience many base attacks or enemy attacks. The location I chose for my base has 4+ Iron Nodes and 4 Copper Nodes along with decent fertility. You'll be able to grow any plants that do well in a Green Environment here as well as some Arid Environment crops at lower yields.

One of the biggest draw backs to this zone is it will have periodic acid rain throughout the day; this is only really an issue when you first start a base here though -- assuming that you have no acid protection. Items like Iron Hats, White Plate Jacket, Armoured Hood, Dustcoat, Black Plate Jacket and more will give you protection against Acid and are extra useful in this zone.

The acid rain can also be useful to you against incoming base attacks. In my experience if you're away from your base with another Squad then the acid rain will not damage any enemy units (or your own). Basically, if the game doesn't have the environment around your base loaded then there will be no acid rain. However if you're 'at' your base as the enemy raid approaches they'll take damage from acid rain.

Howler's Maze Base Location Youtube Video

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Stobe's Garden/Greenbeach Megabase Location

Stobes Garden Map Location

Base Rating: 8.5/10
Environment: Green 100% and Arid 50% (Greenbeach) and Arid 100% Stobe's Garden
Enemy Attacks: Crab Raiders, Reavers, Skin Bandits
Resources: 5 Iron, 1 Copper
Other: N/A

This area is actually the border of 2 zones, Stobe's Garden and Greenbeach. Depending on where you build your base it's possible to have both the Greenbeach and Stobe's Garden Environment characteristics allowing you to grow more than just Arid crops here. Also, depending on where you build your base you may have more or less Iron and Copper nodes within your walls than I did. In this area you will also find a terrace which has an Iron deposit on top and only a single entrance to the terrace making it an amazing location in terms of natural defenses.

I would only recommend this location to people who have a full Squad of 20+ characters with all characters having stats in the 40s - 50s. This zone is what I would consider an end game zone and will be very difficult if you're under prepared. The native enemies in this area are Reavers and Land Bats; you only really need to worry about the Reavers since they have high stats (40 - 50+) and will kidnap you after you fall unconcious. Skin Bandits in my experience won't bother you until you visit their nest to the south but then they'll send invasions.

Out of all the locations mentioned on this page I feel this one has the best natural defenses; even if you don't build your base on the plateau I am talking about you can still encorporate it into your base design. What I mean is, you can build your base below the plateau where the majority of the resources are and when you're attacked by enemies fall back to the top of the plateau and guard it with turrets and defenses.

Stobe's Garden/Greenbeach Mega Base Location Youtube Video

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Heng Base Location

Heng Base Map Location

Base Rating: 6/10
Environment: Arid 100%
Enemy Attacks: Slave Raids, Desert Ninjas
Resources: 1 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Both UC and Trader's Guild will request you pay taxes

This location has pretty good resources, low Fertility and Water but it has great Stone and also good Wind. In the location I chose for this base you'll find 1 Iron Deposit and 2 Copper Deposits which is plenty for the first half of the game. As you can see from the map above we're also in close proximity to 3 of the primary Empire cities.

Heng is what I would consider a teens zone in the Empire controlled portion of the world. Most enemies that roam around this base will have stats ranging from 10 - 30; Outlaw Farmers are the lowest with stats in the low teens and Skimmers are the highest with stats in the low 30s. As far as base raids go, you'll be fighting some enemies (like the Slavers) with stats in their 30s and they will enslave you if they down all of your characters when they attack.

Heng Base Location Youtube Video

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Stormgap Coast Base Location

Stormgap Coast Base Location

Base Rating: 7/10
Environment: Green 100% and Arid 50%
Enemy Attacks: Reavers, Crab Raiders
Resources: 3 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: N/A

In my opinion this location is the best spot for a base in all of Stormgap Coast since it has good quantities of everything we need. 3 Iron Deposits are in this area as well as 2 Copper which will cover all of your metal crafting needs for the majority of the game. Water, Fertility, Stone and Wind are also plentiful at this location.

Stormgap Coast has an environment that is 100% Green and 50% Arid which means we'll be able to grow every crop here except Riceweed. As for the down sides of this location, the biggest ones are the base raids that you will get here. Reavers and Crab Raiders will both attack you at this location and depending on the stats of your characters these raids could be insanely difficult for you to take out.

Reavers will enslave you if they wipe out your team and Crab Raiders will steal all of your food. If you find the base raids too difficult or too annoying in this area you can always turn them off in the options.

Stormgap Coast Base Location Youtube Video

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Okran's Pride Base Location

Okrans Pride Base Location

Base Rating: 6/10
Environment: Green 100%
Enemy Attacks: Dust Bandits, Black Dragon Ninjas, Holy Nation
Resources: 3 Iron
Other: Every week Prayer Day will arrive at your base. Speak with them using a Human Male only and make sure you have The Holy Flame in your inventory

If you're doing the start of your game in Holy Nation Territory there is arguably no better location for you to make your first base than in Okran's Pride. This area is extremely fertile and rich in water. You can grow Cotton, Greenfruit and Wheatstraw here easily - technically you can grow Hemp too but it's illegal in this region and you will draw the Holy Nation ire.

The biggest down side of this base is there are no Copper nodes that we can incorporate into it. Okran's Pride is almost devoid of Copper and the only places that have Copper are lacking in other resources or are too close to a town to build a base near. Just south of our base you'll find a Holy Farm which has a Copper node nearby which you can mine when you need Copper... Alternatively you can go north to Blister Hill too and mine the copper that's found along the northern path when you need it.

As far as base raids go at this location you're going to be bothered by Dust Bandits and Black Dragon Ninjas frequently and you will probably also have to deal with the Holy Nation sometimes attacking you too. If you have a lot of women in your base or Shek/Hivers then the Holy Nation will demand to speak with someone in charge as they walk by. Failure to speak with them will result in a raid being sent to your base in the very near future and you will get one more chance to talk them out of attacking. A good rule of thumb is to always have a Human Male with The Holy Flame in their inventory.

Okran's Pride Base Location Youtube Video

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Leviathan Coast Base Location

Leviathan Coast Base Location

Base Rating: 9/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 50%
Enemy Attacks: Cannibals
Resources: 10+ Iron, 5 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up as well

Leviathan Coast is one of the first end game zones of Kenshi (if you can consider it that) and one of the best locations IMO to build a giant base. The area in this zone I picked for the base is rich in both Iron and Copper and it also comes with high Water, Ferility and Wind making it a fantastic location for a base.

Since the environment in this zone is 100% Arid and 50% Green it means that you'll be able to grow everything except Riceweed. Cactus will grow with lesser yields since it is Arid only but we do not really need to grow Cactus anyway so it's not that big of a deal. As far as base raids go at this location you should expect Cannibals to show up fairly regularly but aside from them I was never bothered by any other faction.

Leviathan Coast Base Location Youtube Video

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Fishman Island Base Location

Fishman Island Base Map Location

Base Rating: 9/10
Environment: Green 100% and Swamp 50%
Enemy Attacks: I had none
Resources: 3 Iron, 1 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up

Fishman Island is a small zone to the south of Bonefields that has a great environment for growing crops and is relatively safe from enemy raids. Not only is this place great for growing crops but it's got good Stone, Iron and Copper - every thing you need for a solid base. You can also make this island almost completely safe from enemies by taking out King Gurgler at the Island Lab along the southern coast.

In all of the time I spent here I never got any base invasions except for scripted ones from Reputations. United Cities attacked me because I raided their towns, Berserkers attacked me because I took out the Bugmaster - things like that. Maybe I was bugged (I did Import Game to check) but I never got a base invasion except those.

This base is one of my favorite locations in the game is I am doing early game Hashish trading with Flats Lagoon. You can learn more about this in my Hashish Money Making Guide.

Fishman Island Base Location Youtube Video

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Sonorous Dark Base Location

Sonorous Dark Base Map Location

Base Rating: 8/10
Environment: Dead
Enemy Attacks: Reavers, Skin Bandits
Resources: 5 Iron, 3 Copper
Other: No wind here and Acid Raid 24/7

This location is one of the deadliest ones in my entire list since it's right in the heart of Sonorous Dark. When I am planning to take on Cat-Lon in Ashlands this is typically where I would make my "rest stop" base to heal up in between beatings. For those who do not know, this zone is infested with Skin Bandits which are Skeleton enemies that wear human skin and kidnap anyone who gets knocked unconscious. Unlike most enemies in the game -- when you are brought back to the Skin Bandit camp you're thrown into a Peeler Machine and your limbs get ripped off until you eventually die. (Brutal)

For the aforementioned reason, you'll want to make sure you are prepared before trying to setup a base here. There is no wind so you'll need a Generator for power and there is 24/7 Acid Rain which means you'll need acid protection for your characters as well. Sonorous Dark has a 'Dead' Environment which means you won't be able to grow anything here without Hydroponics, that shouldn't be too much of an issue for people since this is an end game base and by the time you're strong enough to build here you should have this researched.

A tip for you is to build your Hydroponic Gardens ontop of the roof; when it rains (despite being Acid Raid) it will still water your crops. Iron and Copper Deposits in this region are abundant and have very high quality, higher than the rest of the world. Last but not least, as far as base raids go here you should expect Skin Bandits and Reavers.

Sonorous Dark Base Location Youtube Video

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Okran's Gulf Base Location

Okrans Gulf Base Location

Base Rating: 5/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 10%
Enemy Attacks: Dust Bandits, Holy Nation if you do anything they dislike
Resources: 2 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up

Okran's Gulf is part of Holy Nation Territory but it's enough on the outskirts that you seldom get bothered by them. Prayer Day will show up at your Outpost once a week but the amount of Holy Nation patrols you see walking through the area is far and few between. Hungry Bandits and Holy Nation Outlaws will be the most common patrols you see followed by Wild Bulls.

The location I have chosen for my base rests in a crater with numerous Iron and Copper deposits around that you can incorporate into the layout depending on how large you want to make it. You'll have more than enough Copper and Iron for making all the items you need for early game. Farming here is a little less than optimal considering it's only 10% Green and the amount of water here is not 100%. Thankfully Fertility here is very good and the less than optimal water is a problem we can easily solve with more Wells.

As far as Wind power goes in my experience it's very reliable in this area; I had nearly constant power from wind my entire time here with the output almost never dropping.

Okran's Gulf Base Location Youtube Video

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Gut Base Location

Gut Base Map Location

Base Rating: 7/10
Environment: Arid 50% and Green 100%
Enemy Attacks: Slave Traders, Reavers
Resources: 2 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up from the Hiver Faction and Trader's Guild

Gut is actually a fantastic location for you to make a base if you want a location that is not peaceful and constantly under attack by Beak Things. This is the main 'charm' of the location if you will and its greatest benefit as well as greatest weakness. When you first arrive in Gut it'll be pretty challenging until you get some walls up and some buildings with some beds -- once you get these basic things though the true greatness of Gut will shine.

If you build some Storage containers for Meat and Skins then set a character to "Forage Animals" as a Job ((Shift right click a monster's body)) then this character will automatically collect the meat and skins off the corpse. Not only will this instantly kill the Beak Thing and prevent it from bothering our Squad again but it'll also automatically collect valuable resources for us and store them. Beak Things will constantly be attacking you at this location so you will get a near infinite supply of Skins and Meat without you having to lift a finger.

Another great benefit of the constant attacks is the Toughness and combat skill ups you will get as a result. Most of my characters had Toughness in the 20s-30s prior to making my base in Gut; after a full day here with the game on turbo speed and me AFKing everyone now has 50+ Toughness and combat skills. The cost of this was I lost 4 characters in total (RIP Ruka and Kang) and about 20 limbs. Overall I consider that to be a net benefit, I can just Import Game and recruit Ruka and Kang if I wanted to since they are unique companions that I enjoy.

Resources at this location are quite good too. Iron and Copper is plentiful and there is excellent Fertility and Water for all our crop growing needs. The only thing I would complain about here is the Wind. It's very inconsistent and more often than not doesn't provide you with enough power.

Gut Base Location Youtube Video

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Spider Plains Base Location

Spider Plains Base Location

Base Rating: 6/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 10%
Enemy Attacks: Band of Bones, Kral's Chosen, Shek Food People, Holy Nation (if hostile)
Resources: 3 Iron, 1 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up from the Hiver Faction

I fondly refer to this base as Squin 2.0 because it's in the middle of Shek territory and it's built inbetween 2 canyons much like Squin. There are 2 Iron Deposits and 1 Copper Deposit within the walls of my town and about 4 Copper Deposits on a hilltop nearby which will probably be outside of your town but you can still safely mine from them.

The environment in this zone is going to be 100% Arid and 10% Green which is pretty typicaly in Kenshi. Thankfully the Fertility and Water in the area I chose for this base is solid so you'll be able to grow Wheat and Cactus here without much issue. Growing Hemp or Greenfruit will result in very low yields so you may want to do Cotton instead -- at least until you get Hydroponics at which point you can grow whatever you want.

As far as base attacks go here you will be bothered by the Band of Bones and Kral's Chosen factions regularly but they aren't too challenging. The real threat is the Shek Kingdom patrols which stop by your base and ask for food. If you refuse to give them any food they will come back with larger and stronger raids until you're facing a literal Shek army with stats 50 - 70.

Spider Plains Base Location Youtube Video

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Sinkuun Base Location

Sinkuun Base Map Location

Base Rating: 6/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 10%
Enemy Attacks: Cannibal Swarms, Cannibal Raid
Resources: 1 Iron, 4 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up from the Hiver Faction and Trader's Guild. Nomad Caravans will show up here too

Sinkuun is a zone located in the far northeastern portion of the world to the north of The Great Desert and most of the United Cities towns. The main types of enemies that you will be facing in this area are Cannibals which will only pose a threat to you for the first part of this game. Once you've geared up in mediocre gear and you've got a team with stats 40+ Cannibals are nothing more than fodder. Cannibals are also the only base raid you'll see in this area.

The Environment of Sinkuun is 100% Arid and 10% Green which is pretty typical for Kenshi. Despite it only being 10% Green you can still grow Wheatstraw and Hemp here just with less yields than you could in a 100% Green environment. Hemp will have a 47% Crop Yield and Wheat a 54% Crop Yield which ain't too shabby for a 10% Green Environment.

As far as Iron and Copper go, we have 4 Copper Deposits inside of our base and a single Iron Deposit. One Iron Deposit isn't enough for what we need so you'll have to supplement the lack of Iron in this area by using Ore Drills which are some of the mid to late game technology unlocked with AI Cores and Ancient Science Books.

Sinkuun Base Location Youtube Video

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Darkfinger Base Location

Darkfinger Base Location

Base Rating: 8/10
Environment: Arid 100% and Green 50%
Enemy Attacks: Cannibal Swarms, Cannibal Raid
Resources: 3 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up from the Hiver Faction and Trader's Guild. Nomad Caravans will show up here too

In my opinion this is one of the better locations for you to make your final base. The environment in this area is rich in everything, Fertility, Water, Stone, Iron, Copper and Wind along with being 100% Arid and 50% Green. Hemp, Wheat and Cactus can all be grown here with almost 100% crop yields; Greenfruit and Cotton can be grown here with about 50% crop yield. Since this isn't a Swamp the only thing you can't grow here is Riceweed.

There are 3 Iron Deposits and 2 Copper Deposits in the surrounding area which is more than enough even for an end game base. As far as wind goes in my experience you'll always have 25 - 50% or higher wind, I do not believe I have ever had it stop while I was here. Base raids are common but thankfully the only thing that will ever attack you here is Cannibals. They'll always come in mass numbers but they have no armor and low stats. You'll get a unique cannibal raid here with one of the Cannibal Leaders, Mighty Canhead.

Darkfinger Base Location Youtube Video

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Stenn Desert Mining Outpost Base Location

Stenn Desert Base Location

Base Rating: 6.5/10
Environment: Arid 100%
Enemy Attacks: Cannibal Swarms, Kral's Chosen, Band of Bones, Shek Kingdom
Resources: 1 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Trade Caravans will occasionally show up from the Hiver Faction

This location is one of my favorite ones to make a base at when I do The Border Zone/Squin as my noob area since it's such good money mining in the area. It's close to both the Waystation and Squin, both of which have vendors that we'll be using frequently to unload our supplies. Much like all of Stenn Desert this location will have no Fertility and no Water making it a Mining Outpost only.

Usually what I do at this location is to mine up a ton of copper and turn it into Electrical Components which I will sell nearby. Check my making money with Electrical Components guide for more information about this. Since we can't grow any crops we'll have to depend entirely on Wind for power which isn't a big deal since it's almost always blowing at full capacity... Just make sure you build some Batteries for when it goes out.

Last but not least, you'll have to deal with a lot of deadly base invasions here which is my main reason for scoring this location low. All 3 Shek Factions in the area will attack your base weekly usually and if you've been up north and encountered Cannibals they'll also send raids down to you every so often. If you're going to make your base here early in the game I strongly recommend using nearby Mercenaries to protect it around the clock.


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Skinner's Roam Holy Nation Base Location

Skinners Roam Base Location

Base Rating: 6.5/10
Environment: Arid 100% 10% Green
Enemy Attacks: Dust Bandits, Black Dragon Ninjas, Holy Nation (Prayer Day or Holy Nation Assault),
Resources: 2 Iron, 2 Copper
Other: Nomad Animal Traders, Trader's Guild and the Western Hive will all visit you here

Skinner's Roam is another zone in Holy Nation Territory that is a good location for your first base if you're starting out in this area. The location I have chosen for my base has 3 Copper Deposits inside the walls and 2 Iron Deposits which is far more Copper than you'll ever need and more than enough Iron for the start of the game.

Fertility and Water in this area are a bit lacking but it's still good enough to grow the Arid crops here like Wheatstraw and Cactus. Both of these crops will suffer from lower yields each time you harvest them but that is better than not being able to grow them at all. Wind power is also pretty reliable in this area, in my experience here the wind was always blowing at full power - I don't think I ever recall it dropping below max power output.

Last but not least, the base raids you get at this location can be a bit much, especially for lower level players. Dust Bandits are the easiest raid you'll get here with the Black Dragon Ninjas being the hardest. If you take out the Black Dragon Ninja Tower nearby then you can stop the faction from raiding your base otherwise you'll have to deal with them about once a week.

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