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Halo CE (Mission 3) Truth and Reconciliation Walkthrough

Truth and Reconciliation Start

Video Walkthrough: Halo CE (Mission 3) Truth and Reconciliation Walkthrough
Skull Location: Foreign Skull Location
Terminal Location: Truth and Reconciliation Terminal Location

The first half of this mission has a very linear battle arena style approach. You go from area to area fighting all of the enemies in your way until you eventually reach a large Covenant ship. One nice thing about this mission is you start with a Sniper Rifle that comes with tons of ammo - it makes the whole battle arenas quite fun.

In the third arena that you come to you'll find an Active Camo item which will cloak Master Chief when you pick it up. A picture of what I am talking about is shown below. You can find it hiding in some trees and it'll make taking out the enemies in this area a lot easier and more fun!

Active Camo Power Up

When you finally reach the Covenant ship you'll have to fight a couple waves of Covenant enemies that are beamed down from the ship above. The final wave will contain two Hunters which can be easy targets for you if you've saved some sniper ammo. Once everything has been defeated you will have to stand in the same beam that enemies came down to go up into the ship.

Much like before you're going to have to fight a couple waves of enemies inside of the ship. This time things can get a bit tricky though because you'll have to fight some invisible sword Elites. Again, if you saved some sniper ammo (and you're capable of pulling off the shots needed) you can take out these Elites rather easily.

Tip: There is another Active Camo power up inside of the very first room of the Covenant ship.

After you protect the Marines from a couple waves of enemies you'll be lead to a locked door and Cortana will tell you that you have to find another way around. Navigating inside the ship can be a bit confusing - even though the path is linear everything looks the same. If you're having a really hard time figuring out where to go in this ship I recommend you watch my Truth and Reconciliation Youtube Video. Follow that link and the video will start the moment I enter the Covenant ship.

Return to the room you protected the Marines in and look for the one door that's unlocked. Follow the linear route until you reach a room with two floors, you will enter on the top floor. Defeat the enemies in this room and then open the door the Marines are waiting at by hitting the control panel. If you hang out in this room and defeat the new enemies that come in to attack you Cortana will place a waypoint on your HUD letting you know where to go next.

The next big room you come out to is a large hangar with many Covenant enemies inside. You will need to defeat all Covenant enemies inside of this hangar to proceed with the mission. The final wave you'll face include 2 Hunters so make sure you safe some ammo for them. Check around this room for areas with dead Marines if you need some health or ammo.

Note: The Foreign Skull that is on this level can be found inside of this hangar. You need to run inside of a door after enemies come out of it - for the exact door you should watch my Foreign Skull Location Youtube Video.

Covenant Hangar

Tip: There is an Overshield power up inside of the hangar that you should grab as well.

Once you defeat the final enemies Cortana will mark a location on your HUD and tell you to get your butt over there. You will go through a short hallway after which you'll come out on the 2nd floor of the room we just cleared. Head down to the doorway on the opposite end of the room and into the new hallway. The next part of this mission will have us navigating a couple different hallways in search of the Captain.

You will navigate through a few hallways until you find yourself in the control room, which Cortana will point out when you arrive. The Terminal on this mission can be found in the control room on the raised platform. For an exact location check out my Truth and Reconciliation Terminal Location Youtube Video.

From the control room there is only a few more hallways until you get to the first set of prison cells. To open the prison cells interact with the computer at the head of the room. In one jail cell you'll find a Marine body with some ammo and a health pack if you'd like to grab that now.

Captain Keyes is in another holding cell which is a few hallways away from this one. Again, this entire map is very linear and the only doors that will open for you are the ones that will take you to your destination. Eventually you'll find the jail cells with Captain Keyes and a handful of Marines. Interact with the computer in this room to free all of them and then watch the cutscene.

Our next destination is the control room that we passed on the way here. During this part of the mission you need to protect Captain Keyes, if he dies then you fail and are sent back to the last Checkpoint. When you arrive back in the control room there will be some dialogue during which Captain Keyes suggests that you fly out on a Covenant Drop Ship.

Now we need to backtrack yet again, this time to the hangar that we cleared earlier. On the third floor of this hangar there will be a button that we need to hit to complete the level. It will be marked on your HUD so you should have no issue at all finding it.



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