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Legendary Craftsmanship - Act 5 Side Quest

Legendary Craftsmanship Quest Start

Start Location: Master Forge Chamber
Quest Location: Final portion of Act 5
Objective: Obtain two Meads and a Blacksteel Ingot for Durin
Reward: EXP + Reforge an Epic or Legendary Item of your choice

Legendary Craftsmanship is the final Side Quest available to you in Act 5 and it also offers you a very unique permanent reward upon completion. To begin this quest speak with Dvalinn and Durin in the Master Forge Chamber after you've defeated the Fungoid King during the Main Story Quest.

For this quest you will need to collect 3 items in total for Durin, Mead of Valholl, Mead of Poetry and Blacksteel Ingot. It's recommended that you collect all 3 before returning to Durin to save yourself a lot of back and forth running. Below you can find succinct directions for each of these 3 items - further down the page I will give you much more detailed descriptions on where to find each of these items.

Mead of Valholl Location: Found in Valholl just before freeing Ylva during The Rescue Story Quest.

Mead of Poetry Location: Take the Portal to Jotunheim and travel south through Hnitbjorg until you find the area with the Mead of Poetry.

Blacksteel Ingot Location: You can find this item in Land's End Armory, one of the floors of the final dungeon of Act 5.

Once you have collected these 3 items you will need to return to Durin in the Master Forge Chamber and speak with him to complete the quest. You'll now have access to 1 reforging process which sometimes will improve an Epic or Legendary item that you have and sometimes make it worse.


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Where Can I Find the Mead of Valholl?

Heidrun and the Mead of Valholl

The Mead of Valholl is found in the Valholl area which you'll find in the northern portion of Asgard. You will run right past Heidrun ~ The Goat while doing The Rescure Story Mission; all that you need to do is left click Heidrun once and he'll drop the mead. If you've already completed the story mission and still want to get back here, take the Asgard Portal then back track until you reach Heidrun. It's not a very far run.

Legendary Craftsmanship Heidrun Map Location

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Where Can I Find the Mead of Poerty?

Mead of Poetry in Hnitbjord

Our second Mead, the Mead of Poetry can be found in the far south of Hnitbjorg, an area you run through during The Wisest Being Story Quest. To reach the Mead of Poetry the fastest way is by taking the Jotunheim Portal which is found in the Jotunheimr Wasteland, an area to the north of Hnitbjorg. From this Portal run directly south and you will find this area in no time.

Mead of Poetry Map Location

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Where Can I Find the Blacksteel Ingot?

Lands End Armory Blacksteel Ingot

Last but not least you need to also collect the Blacksteel Ingot which is found in Land's End ~ Armory; one of the final areas of the game. You will run through this area during The Burning Sword Story Quest, it's one of the last areas before Surtr the final boss of Act 5.

If you need to return to this area after you've already beaten the boss the fastest way is by taking the Muspelheim Portal which will put you in the Silver Shore area. From here you'll have to run far northeast until finally you find yourself at Land's End, Surtr's home.

Legendary Craftsmanship Blacksteel Ingot Map Location