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List of Beginner Monster Infrequents - Titan Quest

Static Deathweavers Legtip of Quickness

On this page you will find a list of all the Monster Infrequents that I believe are best for starting characters or characters lacking good gear. If you're looking for a list of the Best Monster Infrequents then follow the link to the other list I have instead. This page is another list which is meant for honorable mentions; good items that are still worth mentioning but not good enough to make the best of list.

Monster Infrequents in Titan Quest are the olive (not green) colored items which have a chance to drop from specific enemies throughout the world. An example is the 'of the Magi' gear which is mentioned below will only drop from the Satyr enemies in Act 1. No other enemies throughout the game can drop these items and you can't obtain them any other way, like through Atlantis Orb Gambling.

Leeching Einherjars Fate of Expertise

The best Monster Infrequents in the games will be ones with both a prefix and a suffix. If you're wondering how/why these screenshots show the prefix and suffix and it doesn't ingame, it's because I am using TQVault to examine these items. TQVault is one of the most useful third party programs that you can get for Titan Quest and I highly recommend it.

Hood of the Magi

Base Stats: +30% Energy Regeneration, +50% Casting Speed and + Intelligence
Drops From: Satyr in Act 1

This item is a good early Monster Infrequent for Casters since it comes with everything a caster needs. In addition to the base stats it can also roll an affix (prefix or suffix) which will could make it even better. Typically you'll replace Hood of the Magi when you find a Blue or Purple item that is better.

Hood of the Magi is one of the many low level Monster Infrequents that drop from Satyrs in Act 1. These items are great for low level casters on every new difficulty since they can easily be acquired from Act 1.

Charm of the Magi

Base Stats: +30% Energy Regeneration, +50% Casting Speed and + Intelligence
Drops From: Satyr in Act 1

Charm of the Magi is a decent Monster Infrequent for casters who are just starting out and looking for some early gear while still in Act 1. It offers you Intelligence, Energy Regen and % increase to Casting Speed, all of which pretty much every caster needs.

You can farm all of the 'of the Magi' gear from the Satyr enemies in Act 1. If you're struggling when you get to Epic or Legendary difficulties it may be worth your while to stop in Act 1 for a little bit to farm the Satyrs and see if you can get a good roll on one of these items.

Deathweaver's Legtip

Base Stats: 5% Chance of +300% Poison Damage and XX ~ XX Poison Damage over 3 seconds
Drops From: Arachnos Enemies in Act 1

Deathweaver's Legtip is probably the best starting Rogue weapon in the game. Builds that focus primarily on the Poison Damage abilities in the Rogue mastery will benefit the most from this weapon but all Rogue builds will find this to be a great starter weapon.

You can get this Monster Infrequent from the arachnos enemies found throughout early Act 1. One of the best locations to farm for this item is in the same cave that the The Poisoned Spring Side Quest takes place in.

Staff of the Magi

Base Stats: -15% Recharge, +25% Fire Damage, +5 Intelligence, Burn Damage over 3 sec and + Energy Regeneration
Drops From: Satyr enemies in Act 1

Staff of the Magi is one of the best 'of the Magi' Monster Infrequents that you can get from the Satyr enemies in Act 1. This item comes with -% Recharge which is very important for many caster builds as well as some Intelligence and Energy Regeneration. It also has Burn Damage over 3 seconds and a flat +25% Fire Damage boost on it which is nice for Earth Masteries or anyone using primarily fire damage attacks.

You can farm all of the 'of the Magi' gear from the Satyr enemies in Act 1. If you're struggling when you get to Epic or Legendary difficulties it may be worth your while to stop in Act 1 for a little bit to farm the Satyrs and see if you can get a good roll on one of these items.

Outrider's Buckler

Base Stats: +8% Attack Speed, +8 Dexterity, +6 Strength, % Pierce Resistance and % Chance of 100% Physical Resistance
Drops From: Act 1 Centaurs - Nessus has a 5% chance to drop it

Outrider's Buckler is a Monster Infrequent which drops from the Centaur enemies in Act 1. This buckler is one of the best if not the best early shield you can get for your character. It offers you a small boost to your Strength, Dexterity and Attack Speed along with protection against one of the most annoying forms of damage (Pierce) and a chance to completely protect you from the most common form of damage (Physical).

On Epic and Legendary difficulties this shield starts to drop in usefulness since the Attack Speed, Dexterity and Strength do not scale. This is why the Outrider's Buckler is considered one of the best early shields but not so good on Epic and Legendary.

Outrider's Tunic

Base Stats: +10% Movement Speed, Dexterity, Health and Pierce Resistance
Drops From: Act 1 Centaurs - Nessus has a larger chance of dropping this than the regular Centaurs

Outrider's Tunic is another Monster Infrequent which drops from the Centaur enemies in Act 1. It's a very good starter tunic on its own but if you manage to get a good suffix/prefix roll on it then it'll last you a couple of Acts. This item is best for melee builds, specifically Dexterity based ones but it's useful for all characters, including casters.

Stheno's Wisdom

Base Stats: 10% Energy, 40% Energy Regeneration, % Physical Resistance and +% Casting Speed
Drops From: All Gorgon enemies in Act 1

Stheno's Wisdom is a Monster Infrequent which you can find as a drop from the Gorgon enemies in Act 1. Unlike Stonebinder's Cuffs you can find Stheno's Wisdom as a drop from every Gorgon in the game which makes it much easier to farm than Stonebinder's Cuffs.

Typically the best place to farm this item is from the Gorgons found in Pythian Caves but you can also farm it in Minoan Labyrinth. If you'd like to learn more about the Pythian Caves location check out my Gorgon Sisters Farming Guide, this location is the best for farming Stonebinder's Cuffs so I would recommend checking it out!

Skeletal Darts

Base Stats: 20% Chance of +200% Pierce Damage and % chance of % Reduction of Enemy's Health
Drops From: Act 1 Skeletons

If you are just starting out and you plan to use Thrown Weapons on your character, stopping to farm Skeletal Darts wouldn't be a bad idea. This Monster Infrequent has a low chance to drop from almost all Skeleton enemies in Act 1 and is a very powerful starting ranged weapon.

While there are eventually better ranged weapons than this one, Skeletal Darts will likely carry you through many levels until you find something better.

Note: Even though this item drops in Act 1, unless you own the Ragnarok expansion you will never see this item drop. Since Throwing Weapons were added in Ragnarok, this dart was too.

Eldritch's Bow

Base Stats: 50% Increased Projectile Speed and +20% Attack Speed
Drops From: Dune Raiders in Act 2

Eldritch's Bow is a very good starter weapon for any builds that use bows and can be acquired early on in the game during Act 2. On this bow the Increased Projectile Speed is nice but not the main selling point, the increased Attack Speed is the reason this bow is used (in addition to ease of farming it).

You can obtain this bow by hunting Dune Raiders throughout Act 2. One of the best locations to farm these enemies is north of Fayum Oasis, the same location where Caravan Woes Side Quest takes place.

Shaman's Headdress, Shaman's Coil and Shaman's Adornment

Base Stats: Cold Resistance, -% Recharge and Energy Regeneration
Drops From: Neanderthal enemies in Act 3

The "Shaman's" Monster Infrequents serve as good early pieces of gear for casters whose builds depend on -%Recharge. This gear comes with other useful stats too but typically most people who stop to farm these items will be after the -%Recharge as there are many caster builds that require it.

Each piece of the Shaman's gear drops from the Neanderthal enemies which can be found early on during Act 3.

Batrachos Breastplate, Batrachos Bracers and Batrachos Greaves

Base Stats: Mostly defensive stats, Pierce and Poison resist as well as avoidance for attacks and projectiles
Drops From: Anouran enemies in Act 4 (Soronis swamp has plenty)

Batrachos Monster Infrequents are decent items for players who are working on a new character and made it to Act 4 without getting any good gear for these 3 slots. In order to get a Batrachos item that is really worth using you'll probably need to farm for a little bit until you get one that rolls with a good suffix/prefix.

You can farm all of the Batrachos Monster Infrequent items from the Anouran enemies in Act 4. Most commonly you can find these enemies in Soronis, the swamp around Tsakonian Ruins where the Lampido's Potion Side Quest takes place. You can also find them in parts of Tsakonian Ruins but they're not as abundant as Soronis.

Note: While farming the Anouran enemies for these items keep an eye out for Bramblewood Bow too. This is regarded as one of the best bows in the game.

Witch Doctor's Vestments & Witch Doctor's Leggings

Base Stats: Resistances, Energy Regeneration & other useful stats
Drops From: Anouran enemies in Act 4 (Soronis swamp has plenty)

The Witch Doctor's sets of gear are very powerful Monster Infrequents which are designed for casters. Witch Doctor's Vestments come with Pierce and Vitality Resistance as well as some Defensive Ability and the Leggings come with Elemental Resistance and Movement Speed. The bracelet is almost an entire bust as it has almost no useful stats on it.

You can farm all of the Witch Doctor's Monster Infrequent items from the Anouran enemies in Act 4. Most commonly you can find these enemies in Soronis, the swamp around Tsakonian Ruins where the Lampido's Potion Side Quest takes place. You can also find them in parts of Tsakonian Ruins but they're not as abundant as Soronis.

Note: While farming the Anouran enemies for these items keep an eye out for Bramblewood Bow too. This is regarded as one of the best bows in the game.

Soldier's Unyielding Will

Base Stats: % Chance to Dodge Attacks and + Defensive Ability
Drops From: Formicids in Act 4

If you don't have a really good Blue or Purple shield this one can fill in the blank for the time being. + Defensive Ability is huge and will drastically reduce the damage you take from Physical attacks. If you get lucky and roll a good suffix/prefix on this shield it'll be very powerful, better than a Blue or Legendary shield even.

Soldiers Unyielding Will drops off of the Formicid enemies throughout Act 4. These enemies are found very commonly throughout the Underworld area as well as in the Ampelian Caves where The Stolen Sigil Side Quest takes place.

Icescale Helm, Icescale Armor, Icescale Bracers, Icescale Guards

Base Stats: Reflection & Chance to Avoid Projectiles
Drops From: Fjord Ichthians north of Kaupangr in Act 5

Icescale gear is one of the most niche Monster Infrequents you can get and is only really used in Reflection builds, like the Reflection Templar Build. Essentially these builds stack all of the Icescale gear and deal most of their damage through Damage Reflection. I have personally never seen this gear used outside of a niche build like this but maybe you're someone who has found a purpose for it otherwise!

You can farm Icescale gear from the Fjord Icthians which are found north of Kaupangr in Act 5. To reach Kaupangr you'll need to take the Portal to Scandia (which puts you in King Gylfi's Settlement) then travel west to the coast. From here you'll find a boat to Kaupangr.

Master Forge Armbands, Master Forge Helmet, Master Forge Greaves, Master Forge Cuirass

Base Stats: +10% Less Damage from Constructs, +10% Less Damage from Devices and +% Elemental Resistances
Drops From: Dvergr enemies in the Halls of Dvergr and surrounding areas

Master Forge Monster Infrequents are amazing items for players who are just starting out on Normal and Epic Difficulties. Unless you have hand me downs from another character or friend you're likely short on Elemental Resistances which are some of the most important in early difficulties. This set of Monster Infrequents will give you tons of Elemental Resistance and can roll useful affixes for you too!

All of the Master Forge items can drop from the Dvergr enemies which are found in Act 5. Take the Portal to Dark Lands and travel a tiny bit north into the Halls of Dvergr; hunt Dvergr here and you'll find many Monster Infrequents off of them.


Base Stats: Thunderclap Proc; % increase to Dexterity and Strength
Drops From: Troglodytes in Act 4

Folg is a mace that comes with a built in Thunderclap proc as well as a % boost to both Strength and Dexterity. If you are working on a few character and you make it to Act 4 without picking up a good weapon then Folg may be worth farming a bit for. The only downside of this weapon is it is a Mace which means its attack speed is rather slow.

You can find Folg as a drop from the Troglodyte enemies throughout Act 4. New Road, Stygian Marsh as well as City of Lost Souls (both Upper and Lower) are good places for you to farm Troglodyte enemies.


Base Stats: Vitality Damage and chance of 50% Reduction to Enemy's Health
Drops From: Gigantes in Act 4 - inside Hades Palace is the best place to find them

The Rancor is a weapon with niche uses for builds that deal mostly Vitality damage or other melee builds who want to take advantage of the Rancor's proc. Most of the Rancor items you find will be garbage since you really need a good prefix and suffix to make this weapon worth using.

You can find the Rancor Monster Infrequent as a drop from the Gigantes enemies throughout Hades Palace in Act 4. It's not an extremely rare drop but it'll take you awhile of farming anyway to get one with a good roll.

Dvergr Runestones

Base Stats: +Elemental Damage and +1/2/3 to Magical Charge
Drops From: Dvergr enemies in the Halls of Dvergr and surrounding areas

Dvergr Runestones are another one of the highly niche Monster Infrequents but exceptionally useful when used on the right build/character. Essentially this weapon is made for Rune Mastery characters who specialize in Throwing Weapons and that's about it.

You can find the Dvergr Runestones as a drop from all Dvergr enemies inside of the Halls of Dvergr and surrounding areas. Basically, take the portal to Dark Lands and go north into the Halls of Dvergr and farm there.

Helm of Valholl

Base Stats: +10% Less Damage from Giants and +% Vitality Resistance
Drops From: Humanoid enemies in Asgard (Act 5)

The Helm of Valholl is another piece of the Valholl Monster Infrequent gear which you can find off of the humanoid enemies in Asgard during Act 5. Out of all the pieces this helm is typically seen as the worst, unless you manage to get a very good affix roll. However, this helm is worth keeping on your character if you need a piece of Vitality Resistance gear to swap to for some of the harder bosses in the game like Hades.

In addition to the Helm of Valholl you can find many other Monster Infrequents from the enemies throughout Asgard (Act 5). If you'd like to learn more about this farming location check out my Asgard Monster Infrequent Farming Guide.

Harness of Valholl

Base Stats: +10% Less Damage from Giants and % Bleeding Resistance
Drops From: Humanoid enemies in Asgard (Act 5)

Harness of Valholl is an item that many players use as a gear swap since it is very easy to obtain and grants a huge amount of Bleeding Resistance, moreso than most items. Most builds don't incorporate Bleeding Resistance into their gear since so few enemies in the game deal bleed damage. However, in order to beat the Act 3 boar Yaoguai as well as the Act 5 Golden Boar you'll need Bleed Resist. For that reason, many people hold onto this item as it can be easily swapped to for the single fight you need it.

In addition to the Harness of Valholl you can find many other Monster Infrequents from the enemies throughout Asgard (Act 5). If you'd like to learn more about this farming location check out my Asgard Monster Infrequent Farming Guide.

Armguards of Valholl

Base Stats: +10% Less Damage from Giants, % Reduced Freeze Duration and % Slow Resistance
Drops From: Humanoid enemies in Asgard (Act 5)

The Armguards of Valholl can be found as drops from the humanoid enemies throughout Asgard of Act 5. On these arms the base stats are always +10% Less Damage from Giants along with % Reduced Freeze Duration and % Slow Resist. The amount of Slow Resist and Reduced Freeze Duration depends on what difficulty the item drops. Even without a good prefix/suffix roll these armguards are still worth using since they are one of the few items in the game that gives % Slow Resistance.

In addition to the Armguards of Valholl you can find many other Monster Infrequents from the enemies throughout Asgard (Act 5). If you'd like to learn more about this farming location check out my Asgard Monster Infrequent Farming Guide.

Buskins of Valholl

Base Stats: +10% Less Damage from Giants, % Reduced Petrify Duration and % Stun Resistance
Drops From: Humanoid enemies in Asgard (Act 5)

Buskins of Valholl are boots which you can find from the humanoid enemies throughout Asgard in Act 5. These boots come with secondary resistances on them like Stun and Petrify as well as grant you +10% Less Damage overall from Giants. All in all these boots aren't too good unless you get a good suffix/prefix roll that goes along with them. However, they are one of the few easy to acquire items that come with Stun Resistance making them a decent piece of gear to hang onto if you ever need to gear swap for resists.

In addition to the Buskins of Valholl you can find many other Monster Infrequents from the enemies throughout Asgard (Act 5). If you'd like to learn more about this farming location check out my Asgard Monster Infrequent Farming Guide.

Boots of the Valkyrie

Base Stats: + Health Regeneration, + Movement Speed and +1 to all Skills
Drops From: Valkyrie enemies in Asgard

Boots of the Valkyrie are one of the best Monster Infrequents added into the game during the Ragnarok expansion. These boots come with a small amount of Health Regeneration as well as some Movement Speed; their biggest selling point of all though is the +1 to all Skills which is rare to find on shoes. Many people consider Boots of the Valkyrie to be the Stonebinder's Cuffs of Ragnarok.

This item can drop from any of the Valkyrie enemies throughout Asgard in Act 5 and is a very rare drop (about 0.200%). Thankfully you can farm this Monster Infrequent along with other ones such as Einherjar's Fate from the same location saving yourself much time. If you'd like to learn more about this farming location check out my Asgard Monster Infrequent Farming Guide. It goes into a lot more detail about where to farm the Boots of the Valkyrie than this page.

Blacksteel Spike

Base Stats: + % Pierce Damage & Reduced Armor for 3 seconds
Drops From: Fire Giants (Land's End in Act 5)

Blacksteel Spike is a weapon which finds niche uses in Hunting Mastery builds or any build that deals primarily pierce damage. If you can get a good suffix or prefix on this weapon then it'll be better than many Blue and Purple items that you can find.

All of the Blacksteel gear drops from the Fire Giant enemies which you encounter throughout Land's End, the final dungeon in Act 5. You can also find the Fire Giants around Land's End too in the Eldr Fields area.

Blacksteel Helmet

Base Stats: +30% Pierce Resistance and +1/2/3 to all Skills in Rune Mastery
Drops From: Fire Giants (Land's End in Act 5)

The Blacksteel Helmet is designed for Rune Mastery builds and in addition to the static +30% Pierce Resistance it'll also give you either +1, +2 or +3 to all Skills in Rune Mastery depending on your difficulty. All in all this helm can be good if you can get a good prefix/suffix roll on it, otherwise it's pretty lackluster. The upside is it has a very good drop rate along with the other Blacksteel gear.

All of the Blacksteel gear drops from the Fire Giant enemies which you encounter throughout Land's End, the final dungeon in Act 5. You can also find the Fire Giants around Land's End too in the Eldr Fields area.