Swtor Farming Guides
This page contains all of the best farming locations I have managed to come across while playing Swtor. Since there are two factions in Swtor I have split this page into three different parts, one will be strictly for Republic farming guides, another for Empire farming guides and the final will be farming guides that are available to both factions. Each of the farming locations will contain a map, showing you exactly where it is, a detailed description of the type of loot and mobs you will find while farming there as well some pictures of the location and a video.
Also I will create an hourly gold estimate for each location, allowing you to easily pick the best location without too much difficulty. If you have any farming locations you'd like to see added to my website, or even a location that you found particularly interesting and would like me to experiment there and see how much gold I can make an hour, please use the Submit A Guide link at the bottom of any page on my website.
List of all Swtor Datacron Locations
Since the game is not out yet you wont find much information on this page. I'll update it much more once the game comes out and I begin to discover the best farming locations
***Make The Most Money While Leveling***
Republic Farming Locations
Ilum Farming
Empire Farming Locations
List of All Imperial Daily Quests
Neutral Farming Locations
How To Make Over 1mil Credits A Day
"Other" Farming Locations
Tradeskill Farming Materials
Semi temporary section until I sort out what is good to farm and what isn't.
Scavenging Grade 1 Materials
Scavenging Grade 2 Materials
Scavenging Grade 3 Materials
Scavenging Grade 4 Materials
Scavenging Grade 5 Materials
Scavenging Grade 6 Materials
Archaeology Grade 1 Items
Archaeology Grade 2 Items
Archaeology Grade 3 Items
Archaeology Grade 4 Items
Archaeology Grade 5 Items
Archaeology Grade 6 Items
Bioanalysis Grade 1 Materials
Bioanalysis Grade 2 Materials
Bioanalysis Grade 3 Materials
Bioanalysis Grade 4 Materials
Bioanalysis Grade 5 Materials
Bioanalysis Grade 6 Materials