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Coruscant Presence Datacron Location

This Datacron unlocks the codex entry - Galactic History 08: The Bith of the Republic

This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:

Early spaceflights were conducted with sleeper ships, their crews preserved via suspended animation over the long journeys to other worlds. But these journeys were incredibly slow. Remembering the efficient hyperdrive technology of the Infinite Empire, the most brilliant scientists of the galaxy began to study what remained of those machines, despite the claims of Tiran, the Drall scientist who centuries before said that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light.

Eventually, this led to the development of a hyperspace "cannon." These cannons allowed a ship to be propelled into hyperspace, though a second cannon was required for a ship to return to its origin point.

The Core Worlds quickly established a hyperspace cannon network. The children of Coruscant soon encountered the Duros civilization, whose people became some of the earliest--and most daring--hyperspace explorers. The true colonization of the galaxy had begun.

How To Retrieve This Datacron

Coordinates: X 2319, Y 472

This is by far the easiest Datacron for players to find on Coruscant. It is located right off the very first quest hub you come out to while leveling through Coruscant and it is in such an obvious place that you practically trip over it while questing. Since there is no real difficulty in finding this Datacron there is no real reason for a guide. Congrats on the easiest Datacron in the game!

Coruscant Presence Datacron
Picture of this Datacron.

Coruscant Presence Datacron Location on the map
Location of the Datacron on the map.