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Uvoo Llaren Ghostgate Tribunal Temple Quests

Uvoo Llaren Tribunal Temple Quests

The quest giver for the Tribunal Temple in Ghostgate is Uvoo Llaren (pictured above); you can find Uvoo Llaren inside of the temple between the Tower of Dusk and Tower of Dawn. In order to begin most of the quests from Uvoo you'll need to be the rank of Curate or Adept in the Tribunal Temple.


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Uvoo Llaren Quest #1 - Cure the Outcast Outlander

Assantus Hansar south of Ghostgate

Assantus Hansar, the person we need to cure for this quest is found just south of Ghostgate. He's standing with 2 other Dunmer next to a camp fire within visible distance of Ghostgate. Simply approach him and give him a potion of Cure Common Disease or cast a spell on him that does the same thing.

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Uvoo Llaren Quest #2 - Food and Drink for the Hermit

Sendus Sathis Map Location

For this quest we're tasked with bringing supplies to Sendus Sathis whose found on an island just south of Dagon Fel. Sendus Sathis is the only human on this island and he's quite easy to find, give him the supplies then return to Uvoo.

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Uvoo Llaren Quest #3 - Hair Shirt of St. Aralor

Kogoruhn Map Location

This quest requires us to travel to the main entrance of Kogoruhn which is found to the northeast of Maar Gan. Near the door that leads into the Hall of Phisto you'll find a dead ordinator by the name of Feril Salmyn with the Hair Shirt of St. Aralor on his corpse. If you need additional help with locating him check out my Hair Shirt of St Aralor Guide.

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Uvoo Llaren Quest #4 - Cleaver of St. Felms

Tureynulal Map Location

Our next quest tasks us with recovering the Cleaver of St. Felms from inside the Tureynulal dungeon. You can find Tureynulal on the inside of the ghostfence and unless you have Levitate or a spell that will buff your jump skill getting to this dungeon may be rather difficult. The Cleaver of St. Felms item that we're after is found in the Bladder of Clovis area of this dungeon, along with this item you can also find the Amulet of Heartthrum in this dungeon.

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Uvoo Llaren Quest #5 - Crosier of St. Llothis the Pious

Crosier of St Llothis in Dagoth Ur

The final quest from Uvoo Llaren requires us to go inside of the final dungeon in the game, Dagoth Ur, and retrieve the Crosier of St. Llothis the Pious. You can find the body of Voruse Bethrimo in the Inner Tower portion of Dagoth Ur, there is a ladder which leads up to the Inner Tower from the Inner Facility portion of the dungeon.

Inner Tower is a very small area with only a single room inside of which you'll find Voruse's body. You can find the Crosier of St. Llothis right next to his body, he's also wearing an almost full set of Glass Armor for you to take too!

Dagoth Ur Map Location

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