Hand of Justice: Weapon Rune Word - Diablo 2
Hand of Justice is a Rune Word that grants Holy Fire Aura as well as -% to Enemy Fire Resistance. Sometimes it's used by players along with the Dragon Rune Word since you're able to stack the Holy Fire Auras on both of these as well as well as benefit from the decreased Fire Resist.
Keep in mind that all Rune Words you create will retain any pre-existing bonuses found on the item. If you find a 'Superior' piece of armor with +Enhanced Defense, a Superior Weapon with +Enhanced Damage or a Helm/Weapon that has +Skill bonuses for a certain class, all of these will remain on the final Rune Word that is created. It's also possible to 'ebug' a piece of Ethereal Armor that you find which will increase the Defense bonuses by 50%, check out my Ebugging Guide for more information.
Farming High Runes: Out of all locations in the game one stands above the rest for farming specifically High Runes, the Countess during Act 1. The Countess has a guaranteed chance to always drop a High Rune and can even drop more than one. Check out my The Countess Farming Guide for more information.
Required Runes:
Level Req: 67
Other Req: N/A
Slots: All Weapons
100% Chance To Cast Level 36 Blaze When You Level-Up
100% Chance To Cast Level 48 Meteor When You Die
Level 16 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+33% Increased Attack Speed
+280-330% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
-20% To Enemy Fire Resistance
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
20% Deadly Strike
Hit Blinds Target
Freezes Target +3