Dragon: Armor Rune Word - Diablo 2
Dragon Rune Word is generally used by people who are looking to stack different armors/weapons/shields with Auras on them. This is one of the only Rune Words that gives the Holy Fire Aura which is the only reason I have ever seen players make or use this Rune Word. Auradins are the only build I have personally used this Rune Word for.
Keep in mind that all Rune Words you create will retain any pre-existing bonuses found on the item. If you find a 'Superior' piece of armor with +Enhanced Defense, a Superior Weapon with +Enhanced Damage or a Helm/Weapon that has +Skill bonuses for a certain class, all of these will remain on the final Rune Word that is created. It's also possible to 'ebug' a piece of Ethereal Armor that you find which will increase the Defense bonuses by 50%, check out my Ebugging Guide for more information.
Farming High Runes: Out of all locations in the game one stands above the rest for farming specifically High Runes, the Countess during Act 1. The Countess has a guaranteed chance to always drop a High Rune and can even drop more than one. Check out my The Countess Farming Guide for more information.
Required Runes:
Level Req: 61
Other Req: Ladder Only
Slots: Chest Armor & Shields
20% Chance to Cast Level 18 Venom When Struck
12% Chance To Cast Level 15 Hydra On Striking
Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+360 Defense
+230 Defense Vs. Missile
+3-5 To All Attributes (varies)
+(0.375*Clvl) To Strength (Based on Character Level)
+5% To Maximum Lightning Resist
Damage Reduced by 7
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
+50 To Mana
Dragon Rune Word in Ebugged Boneweave.
Dragon Rune Word in Ebugged Great Hauberk.
Dragon Rune Word in Ebugged Dusk Shroud.