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High Rune Horadric Cube Recipes - Diablo 2

Horadric Cube High Rune Combine

You can use the Horadric Cube to upgrade your lower ranked High Runes into higher ranked ones. For El - Thul you need 3 lower ranked runes of the same type; combine them all in the Horadric Cube to get the next rune in line. Once you reach Amn you'll need to start combining a gem along with the three runes in order to upgrade it. All of the recipes are mentioned below in order.


Horadric Cube Gem Recipes

Horadric Cube Potion Recipes

Horadric Cube High Rune Recipes
- List of Armor Rune Words
- List of Helm Rune Words
- List of Shield Rune Words
- List of Weapon Rune Words

Horadric Cube Weapons and Armor Recipes
- Horadric Cube Gambling for Socket Recipes
- Horadric Cube How to Ebug Armor
- Horadric Cube Upgrading Weapons & Armor

Horadric Cube Rare Crafted Gear Recipes
- Blood Item Recipes
- Caster Item Recipes
- Hitpower Item Recipes
- Safety Recipes
- Best Recipes to Gamble for Rare Items

Horadric Cube Jewelry Recipes

Horadric Cube Misc Recipes

Horadric Cube Charm and Amulet Gambling



El RuneEl Rune (Cannot be crafted)

El Rune3 El Runes = Eld Rune1 Eld Rune

Eld Rune3 Eld Runes = Tir Rune1 Tir Rune

Tir Rune3 Tir Runes = Nef Rune1 Nef Rune

Nef Rune3 Nef Runes = Eth Rune1 Eth Rune

Eth Rune3 Eth Runes = Ith Rune1 Ith Rune

Ith Rune3 Ith Runes = Tal Rune1 Tal Rune

Tal Rune3 Tal Runes = Ral Rune1 Ral Rune

Ral Rune3 Ral Runes = Ort Rune1 Ort Rune

Ort Rune3 Ort Runes = Thul Rune1 Thul Rune

Thul Rune3 Thul Runes & Chipped Topaz1 Chipped Topaz = Amn Rune1 Amn Rune

Amn Rune3 Amn Runes & Chipped Amethyst1 Chipped Amethyst = Sol Rune1 Sol Rune

Sol Rune3 Sol Runes & Chipped Sapphire1 Chipped Sapphire = Shael Rune1 Shael Rune

Shael Rune3 Shael Runes & Chipped Ruby1 Chipped Ruby = Dol Rune1 Dol Rune

Dol Rune3 Dol Runes & Chipped Emerald1 Chipped Emerald = Hel Rune1 Hel Rune

Hel Rune3 Hel Runes & Chipped Diamond1 Chipped Diamond = Io Rune1 Io Rune

Io Rune3 Io Runes & Flawed Topaz1 Flawed Topaz = Lum Rune1 Lum Rune

Lum Rune3 Lum Runes & Flawed Amethyst1 Flawed Amethyst = Ko Rune1 Ko Rune

Ko Rune3 Ko Runes & Flawed Sapphire1 Flawed Sapphire = Fal Rune1 Fal Rune

Fal Rune3 Fal Runes & Flawed Ruby1 Flawed Ruby = Lem Rune1 Lem Rune

Lem Rune3 Lem Runes & Flawed Emerald1 Flawed Emerald = Pul Rune1 Pul Rune

Pul Rune2 Pul Runes & Flawed Diamond1 Flawed Diamond = Um Rune1 Um Rune

Um Rune2 Um Runes & Topaz1 Topaz = Mal Rune1 Mal Rune

Mal Rune2 Mal Runes & Amethyst1 Amethyst = Ist Rune1 Ist Rune

Ist Rune2 Ist Runes & Sapphire1 Sapphire = Gul Rune1 Gul Rune

Gul Rune2 Gul Runes & Ruby1 Ruby = Vex Rune1 Vex Rune

Vex Rune2 Vex Runes & Emerald1 Emerald = Ohm Rune1 Ohm Rune

Ohm Rune2 Ohm Runes & Diamond1 Diamond = Lo Rune1 Lo Rune

Lo Rune2 Lo Runes & Flawless Topaz1 Flawless Topaz = Sur Rune1 Sur Rune

Sur Rune2 Sur Runes & Flawless Amethyst1 Flawless Amethyst = Ber Rune1 Ber Rune

Ber Rune2 Ber Runes & Flawless Sapphire1 Flawless Sapphire = Jah Rune1 Jah Rune

Jah Rune2 Jah Runes & Flawless Ruby1 Flawless Ruby = Cham Rune1 Cham Rune

Cham Rune2 Cham Runes & Flawless Emerald1 Flawless Emerald = Zod Rune1 Zod Rune



Below you'll find the same exact list as above just using a different format. I personally prefer the above format but I know a few people who prefer the bottom one. I decided to leave both in this guide so that everyone is happy.


El RuneEl Rune

Eld RuneEld Rune: 3 El Runes

Tir RuneTir Rune: 3 Eld Runes

Nef RuneNef Rune: 3 Tir Runes

Eth RuneEth Rune: 3 Nef Runes

Ith RuneIth Rune: 3 Eth Runes

Tal RuneTal Rune: 3 Ith Runes

Ral RuneRal Rune: 3 Tal Runes

Ort RuneOrt Rune: 3 Ral Runes

Thul RuneThul Rune: 3 Ort Runes

Amn RuneAmn Rune: 3 Thul Runes & Chipped Topaz1 Chipped Topaz

Sol RuneSol Rune: 3 Amn Runes & Chipped Amethyst1 Chipped Amethyst

Shael RuneShael Rune: 3 Sol Runes & Chipped Sapphire1 Chipped Sapphire

Dol RuneDol Rune: 3 Shael Runes & Chipped Ruby1 Chipped Ruby

Hel RuneHel Rune: 3 Dol Runes & Chipped Emerald1 Chipped Emerald

Io RuneIo Rune: 3 Hel Runes & Chipped Diamond1 Chipped Diamond

Lum RuneLum Rune: 3 Io Runes & Flawed Topaz1 Flawed Topaz

Ko RuneKo Rune: 3 Lum Runes & Flawed Amethyst1 Flawed Amethyst

Fal RuneFal Rune: 3 Ko Runes & Flawed Sapphire1 Flawed Sapphire

Lem RuneLem Rune: 3 Fal Runes & Flawed Ruby1 Flawed Ruby

Pul RunePul Rune: 3 Lem Runes & Flawed Emerald1 Flawed Emerald

Um RuneUm Rune: 2 Pul Runes & Flawed Diamond1 Flawed Diamond

Mal RuneMal Rune: 2 Um Runes & Topaz1 Topaz

Ist RuneIst Rune: 2 Mal Runes & Amethyst1 Amethyst

Gul RuneGul Rune: 2 Ist Runes & Sapphire1 Sapphire

Vex RuneVex Rune: 2 Gul Runes & Ruby1 Ruby

Ohm RuneOhm Rune: 2 Vex Runes & Emerald1 Emerald

Lo RuneLo Rune: 2 Ohm Runes & Diamond1 Diamond

Sur RuneSur Rune: 2 Lo Runes & Flawless Topaz1 Flawless Topaz

Ber RuneBer Rune: 2 Sur Runes & Flawless Amethyst1 Flawless Amethyst

Jah RuneJah Rune: 2 Ber Runes & Flawless Sapphire1 Flawless Sapphire

Cham RuneCham Rune: 2 Jah Runes & Flawless Ruby1 Flawless Ruby

Zod RuneZod Rune: 2 Cham Runes & Flawless Emerald1 Flawless Emerald





